I have a psych. degree and used to hang out with a number of therapists. My beau even was a Ph.D. and was in practice. I can honestly say that so many of them are not only more crazy than my other friends--but just total narcissists and master manipulators (all in the name of "helping" YOU, of course).
I even dated a nationally known and world renowned t.v. personality/famous author of self-help books within the last 10 years and, trust me, he had more problems than most of us. Some realllllly deep kinks. Not for me.
Of course, there are some fine people in the field who do great work--but I am convinced that many therapists get into the work due to their own problems, are deeply manipulative, and, of course, they get to be always right to win every argument. Most tiring.
Just my humble opiniong and 2 cents worth.