I'm in pretty much the same boat, except that I'm NC so feel no obligation to be at her death bed when the time comes. But as for the will, yep, no idea because I'm completely out of the loop. When the will is eventually read, I won't even show up for it. What would be the point, when I already know that the only thing she'll be leaving me is a nasty guilt letter?
My NM is claiming to be dying of cancer right now, though I'm skeptical since this is the fourth year of her "inoperable lung cancer," and she looks just fine. That said, on the odd chance that she does have cancer, I'm sure she's already written her own obituary. I can't imagine an N leaving that one to someone else. Their obituary is their last chance to boast about their greatness, and to stick it to those who saw through it all and refused to play along. Writing your own glorified obituary - the final act of control.