Well, that's very good news, SL!
You know, my "theory" is that it's precisely that we were so affected by the toxicity in our FOOs that makes us "normal". If you expose a healthy person to a communicable disease... our immune systems go into over-drive to fight it off. Sometimes we get ill, too, for a time. But it's not permanent - we recover. For me, I got into the auto-immune cycle... where my silly body got programmed to believe everything it came into contact with was toxic... and started to attack itself. This is a bit harder to bring back to balance... but I think I'm getting there.
The hardest part was teaching myself to start from where I'm at, right this moment and to not compare myself to the end-result, the ideal or goal that I'm working toward. Where I'm at right now, I need tinier goals... the building blocks and the routine repetitions so that it becomes my day to day, automatic, don't have to think about it kind of "stuff in my life". I needed to learn to tell myself - that's good enough for today, try again tomorrow. And to take that moment to appreciate what I was able to do today, without beating myself up about how far away I am from where I want to go. That reflex to constantly berate myself for x, y, and z... is one of the toxic "hangovers" of being me in my FOO.
It's message is "I'm not good enough, I'm never gonna be good enough, look how out of shape, fat, old, addicted you are... it's hopeless... why try?" and that's exactly what has stopped me from getting started in the past. I don't need a sign on my back that says: Kick me... I've got that covered! Thanks very much. And since being kicked was about the only time I got undivided attention... well don't you know? That's how I validated myself.
Lately, I've been reminding myself that if I'm so deprived, neglected, etc. then I'd best take every opportunity, every good thing that comes my way - whether it's a chance to get know new people, help someone else out, snuggle with my honey, or eat something healthy and yummy or to run up & down the steps - take every chance I get and make something bigger (and hopefully better) out of it. Coz I have no idea, no one can predict, how many more chances I'm gonna get.