Yes, Penny - I'm just fine!
Being one of those people who can be obssessively immersed in lots of different things or topics... I've been busy on a local political issue. Research, reading, pondering... trying to get at "root cause" -- under all the rhetoric, lobbing of verbal smear grenades, and people who are "never wrong" -- trying to find balance, win-win compromise positions, etc. and then writing about it. Something must've "clicked" - because today there's a House of Representatives hearing on the bill presented by our local rep -- and our Senators have also sponsored another bill this week. All without being in the spotlight myself!!

A little trick I learned working for an Nboss - just spread the idea, don't claim ownership, let go my own wish for credit for it, but when it gets all the way back to me... support the heck out of it! ha-ha-ha... It's been a local issue going back years and affects other coastal areas, too... so I know to be patient. There won't be immediate results - it's an election year. And there will be - already is - a fight; the other side is extremely well-funded. We're just a bunch o' ordinary folk who are used to raising money to help those most affected by hurricanes and the usual life-crap that can strike without regard to character or potential. Now we're raising legal fees to sue in US District Court. The community is finding it's "voice" and it's been interesting to be a part of that.
I haven't been thinking about me, so much lately. But I have been trying to deal with the physical side of me - the last, most deeply ingrained effects of the FOO legacy. And once again, my old assumptions - things I used to think I know about me (which came from a dubious source in the first place) are either changing radically, or were always wrong, and I was just trying to over-compensate in extreme ways that are tantamount to self-abuse. Trying to lose 20 lbs... and figure out how/why I put the weight on in the first place... I came across a Dr. Turner and her "Hormone Diet". I learned that lifelong stress can (if diet is poor) burn out Adrenal glands. I learned about the symptoms of thyroid imbalances; diabetes and what they're calling "pre-diabetes"; and I'm learning about some new-to-me herbs, bumping up my old medicinal herb mental file and updating it. According to all the different diet/exercise "strategies"... I should be slowly losing pounds and inches; but NO. Sorry; I'm going in reverse or simply up & down in such large swings that don't last more than a day or two and can't find the pattern of behavior in it that would cause this. Makes no sense... so I've started trying to adjust the hormones, per this doc's advice, and how I rated on her self-reported questionnaire. I make sure that I'm engaged in 3-4 hours of moderately intense physical "work" most days. I'm trying to eat closer to that suggested 1st hour after waking. (It's more like 3-4 hours after for me... which can be (I'm sure it is)... an imbalance in the brain chemicals/or hormone signals... that cause a person to feel hungry or "full".) I'm starting to notice what does affect me, how it affects me... and to wonder once again: just because I "feel" different... is it, necessarily "bad"? Perhaps, my old "balance" was so far out of whack, but I only considered it "normal" for me because I was used to it. Ya know? I am positive that this all started in conjunction with my emotional reactions - and the ways I tried compensate - to the crazy, SHTF, traumatic experience Twiggy went through. That's when I starting skipping breakfast...
My business tasks have slowed down, but I am or can be on call 24/7 for certain things. That's always been a stress-issue for me... but I'm slowly starting to figure that out. Brother still isn't overly involved -- and he had a mild heart attack last month; they put 3 stents in and he's back to his crazy workaholic schedule. Doesn't return phone calls promptly... same old same old. But last time we talked - and we do have more productive conversations now - he did say something shocking, to me. He's starting to learn what his physical "boundaries" are, since the stents. Perhaps he can apply to other areas, too? Cautiously hopeful. My mom has pretty much "gone away". The years of "training her" that I'm not always going to pick up the phone or call her back when she leaves messages saying "Where are you?" right before launching into her broken record tirades, is starting to pay off.
My kids are doing better. The youngest is 500 miles away and busy with her life; she's had a "I miss MOM... I want my MOMMY" attack in the last week or so... so we're trying to plan a quick get together and maybe a summer roadtrip. She'll come visit in June. The oldest with her two boys could be here then, too. She's not going to take classes this summer, because she starts nursing classes in the fall and knows she'll be burning the candle at both ends the whole semester. She's also working; got her foot in the door with EMS driving a transport van.
Hubs and I are moving out of the irritations and picking at each other because we're around each other 24/7 phase of adjusting to his retirement. He's finally starting to believe that he's not always responsible for my mood shifts. (Men's egos... jeez!) We've been working on FINALLY moving in - the organizing, sorting, clearing out stuff we don't need phase. I started the ball rolling on listing the old house and we'll probably do that within the month. Hubs and I also found a hobby/sport we can do together, since I took a basic handgun class. The whole time we've been together he's put his target shooting on hold - because guns triggered (pun intended) all Twiggy's old horrible fear stuff. It was a great day and I felt amazingly whole again simply shooting at a paper plate! Silly as that sounds, and as distasteful and complex as the whole gun issue is for people (including me). And hubs and I are working on developing a "secret language" - it's sign language - to avoid some of the miscommunication that happens via words... or when I have a feeling that gets "stuck" on the way out.
And I'm finally getting closer (going down the list) of getting back to my creative endeavors. I have some sewing projects on the list. The studio space I chose is becoming more rational... but I'm still not spending time there or claiming the space; just "storing" for now. But I'm always busy, never bored, don't feel "stuck" anymore or emotionally constipated... we have "play days" when do absolutely nothing buy find something fun to do...
as they say here: Life is Good at the Beach. Thanks for asking! (You knew you'd get an in-depth answer, right?? LOL...)
And how are you??