Hey Ales... I saw that article yesterday. (do you have a link?) But it seemed irrelevant to the relationships that involve a true PD. So I didn't even scan it - just picked up enough of what it was about, to form the impression that it was suggestions for smoothing out a normal mom-daughter relationship. As such, it had a lot of good suggestions for us moms who have adult kids. But yeah - I totally agree with you about how useless these tips are for dealing with my own mom! THAT's one the big differences of dealing with a parent with a PD; it's way more than she's being difficult, stubborn, head up her butt or whatever.
The WSJ has had some good psych articles and some fluff. One thing I always read with a heavy dose of salt, are the little blurbs about "studies suggest..." because usually those studies are part of a larger body of research - trying to confirm or debunk some tiny detail of what science thinks they know. It'll be awhile longer before those details are cross-referenced with other studies of the same details and some reliability in replicating the results persuades someone to say: this is what it is - what we know/expect/believe - about X. It's almost, just barely, considered a "fact"... because someone will inevitably challenge it or come up with another explanation/theory. It takes a lot of grains of sand like this... to make a beach! So I think scientists probably have the best job security out there!