Author Topic: new chapter -- please send light  (Read 8129 times)


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new chapter -- please send light
« on: May 17, 2012, 12:10:49 PM »
Hi everyone,
I mentioned in my last post that I'd be back...I think my VESMB voice needed to be quiet for a while.
Thought I'd update everybody, and ramble some. With apologies for not keeping up with you. I have
popped in to read and send invisible support. So glad the board keeps going. What an extraordinarily
valuable space this is. For me, especially during winters, it's been a lifesaver. I looked back recently and was
stunned at how many years I posted so regularly, and also how deep a "diary" it was. Painful but also
heartening at times. keeping with a desire to be less rambly (good luck, self):

Daughter: Has cut off contact though I will be writing her in around a month. Long story
involving her realization she couldn't care for her cat, and blaming me when I found a home for
him (though she'd asked me to take him and knew I couldn't keep him because of allergies and my
move). Truth is, she decided to let him go. And, she could not face how much it hurt. So, she amputated
our relationship. I don't know whether healing's in store. She didn't call for my birthday or Mother's
Day -- first time ever (and announced in an online forum that "The last time I talked to my mother I told her
was the last time I would talk to her.") That's not true, the note she left me said "Do not contact me for
several months" -- but it seems to be what's playing out. I have faced it as fully as I can, the
possibility of permanent estrangement. Certainly it's happened to people here.

That's the selfish part, my own grief. What matters more is how she is, which is not good, from
what I can tell online. She has shaved her head bald, makes reference to continual homelessness
and unemployment, and looks very thin. She's obsessed with MMA (extreme fighting matches, is a
fan and posts about it--I think it started because her Dad loved it and that's a bond with his memory).
I can't get that, but I'm a different person. I can't fix her, rescue her, or intervene. She has made amply
clear that anything I do or say engrages and weakens her at the same time. So I'm leaving her be.
Now and then when my resolve to detach weakens, I find crumbs of information online. I know that as
of a few months ago she did have some medication and some counseling, but I think her journey
with bipolar may be very long, before she stabilizes. The worst outcomes are too fearful to express.

I think wistfully of people with incomes and insurance who get the care they need. (Catherine Zeta
Jones is one famous example). I don't know how a homeless, unemployed person with a difficult
childhood plus possible ADD plus bipolar plus mild Asperger's is supposed to "rally" or "get better."
All I can do is pray that all her resourcefulness isn't overwhelmed. Though I suspect it nearly is.
I will send her some money with my letter, but ongoing financial support isn't possible. I still
pay for her cell phone, it's one lifeline. (And, should she ever want to call me one day...)

House: It's sold. I have to be out first week of June. I've put an offer in on one, a wee house
on a good street. But it's been a very neglected rental that one friend called a "money pit."
I'll be careful and am trying to negotiate right now with seller for major repairs, and am praying
I won't get in over my head with all the others (minor but many). We'll see. My options are very
limited here and I've been looking for a very long time, so I'm hoping this one goes through. If
it doesn't, I'm putting everything in storage and will "couch surf" myself for a while, until the
right one appears. That could mean a year+ of living out of a suitcase, but I'll do what I have to.

Church is good, friends are good. I am doing a "spiritual direction" process with the new minister
and finding some surprising comforts in it. With friends, I am anxious and needy and they are
beyond loving and patient with me. When the adrenalin of all this finally calms, I will be weak-
kneed with gratitude. Already am but can't yet express it adequately.

Work is what it is, boss included, and I'm making my peace with it most days. Very distracted
lately so am not as productive as I ought to be. Boss has been away for a week or so and
that's always a balm. Meanwhile, if I stay in the present, I can cope with it. And I'm lucky
to be employed, in this town, at this age. Got to hang on new jobs popping up
for a 62-year-old. Once I move and settle, I hope to freelance more. Or write my own work.

Got to run...thank you for listening, all. And please forgive me for not offering as much
support right now as I've received. You deserve full presence and attention and I know
I just can't give as much as I've gotten, so fully and for so long, from so many.

with love to you,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #1 on: May 17, 2012, 01:51:26 PM »

I've been thinking of you, and sending white light every time I come to the board.

Thank you for the update, and congrats on getting the house sold.  It's been a bumpy ride, but that chapter's closing..... no more dealing with brother ever again it's hoped. 

Sorry to hear you're estranged from daughter......  I think she'll come back around, in an ebb and flow of growth, for a good while. 

Hopefully the relationship will find new legs once she's been on her own for a bit.

I've missed you, Hopsy, and am thankful you have 3-D friends helping you through these difficult times.



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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #2 on: May 17, 2012, 04:14:06 PM »

Good to hear from you.
Sorry about your daughter, but good news about the house.

Just sent you some white light; did ya get it? lol!


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #3 on: May 17, 2012, 04:39:23 PM »
Hallelujah on the house, Hops!

Even on the work (and exhaustion) that's coming with a move... hallelujah... THAT'S over.

The light-stream's on it's way... don't forget to bask in it for a minute or so... you sound like you're going to be really, really busy.

Miss you!
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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #4 on: May 17, 2012, 09:16:49 PM »
Hi ((((((((Hops)))))))))) - Glad to see you back on here. And sending you the white light you requested and an open space for you to let it in.

You made a good point about it being an inequity in the system where some can maintain their life and receive help for bi-polar and for others its a severe hardship. Anyway, thinking of you and I hope things get better for your daughter.


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #5 on: May 18, 2012, 03:59:46 AM »

I have been away from the board for some time, too.  I wondered what was going on in your life when I saw you weren't here when I returned.  I'm so glad you've posted and that you have updated on your life and how things are for you.

Reading about your daughter, certain things resonated with me.  I spent many years wandering through difficult times, including homelessness, unemployment and mental health problems.  Looking back, I can see that I pushed away people who were kind and who wanted to help.  I felt so worthless that I needed to be treated badly; by people, by life, by the system, by myself.  I'm not sure whether it was a kind of self punishment or whether I'd decided I needed to have a bad life and drew as many problems to me as I could.  Whatever it was, I harmed people who tried to help and mocked, all be it silently, anyone who had sympathy or empathy for me.

I can't say whether any of that is what is going on with your daughter right now, but from your various posts relating to her over the years it seems to me that you have done, and are doing, the very best you can.  You can't fix her problems or even make her see them, necessarily.  It sounds as if you have left the door open for her, should she decide to come back, and personally I don't think there's much more you can do right now.  It makes my heart break to read about your situation - you sound so much like the kind of mum I have longed for and I feel so bad that your daughter's place in life is such right now that she can't see that and feel able to open up to you and let you in.  I am sending white light to both of you; I really hope that, in time, she can deal with her problems and the two of you can work out something that you both feel good about.  Send a little of your grief my way; I can hold it for you for a while and make it a little easier to bear. ((((((((((Hopsie)))))))))))))

I am glad your house is fianlly sold.  That has sounded like a heavy weight for a really long time now.  I hope your new home becomes something positive and welcoming in your life, a place of safety and sanctuary.  It is great that you have friends around you right now and I hope that situation continues  Your job - well, I will pray that your boss goes on leave a lot, it sounds like it's easier when he's not there :)

No need to ask for forgiveness for not offering support; you do it even when you're not here.  I've just had another big clean out and thrown out loads of old paperwork I don't need any more, books that I hang on to for no reason, out of date packets in the kitchen that just take up space in the cupboard.  I find all of that really cleansing and I do it because you suggested it to me one time and it works so well.  I always think of you when I do it and feel your support as I empty my cupboards and unpack some of the grim stuff that still lurks inside me.  It makes me feel like I'm not doing it on my own.  Thank you (((((((((()))))))))))))))


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #6 on: May 18, 2012, 06:53:37 AM »
Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2012, 10:56:10 AM »
Hey Hops - quick bit o' news - we put our old house on the market Monday, this week - and after I posted to you yesterday, we got a full price cash offer. Looks like (fingers still crossed) we go to closing next month. TOO fast for comfort; there is still much to "do"... but it'll all work out, I think.

Hang in there - all the tasks get done eventually. D will sort herself out. And this whole phase, too, will pass.

big HUGGS for (((((((HOPS))))))))
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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #8 on: May 19, 2012, 05:16:14 PM »
Wow, Amber, that's amazing.

A full price cash offer kind of means selling your house would happen quickly, ready or not.

I'm sure you'll work it out.



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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #9 on: May 21, 2012, 09:00:51 AM »
Lighter, Anne, PR, Ales, Bones--Thank you. I really appreciate your messages. I somehow believe in the light-sending even though I don't understand why. Thank you for holding me in light.

And congrats on your own house sale, PR. Glad that went so easily.

Tupp. Thank you. I was so moved by what you wrote I didn't know how to find words for it for a while. Simply, the idea I might comfort you in some of those moments makes me very happy. What a generous way you "held myself up to me." I'm glad to have helped you feel less alone.

You have just done the same for me.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #10 on: May 21, 2012, 12:56:55 PM »
You're welcome, Hops!

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #11 on: May 21, 2012, 04:34:18 PM »
Ah Hops - sometimes "good luck" means there's a whole lotta work yet to come. Hubs' hoarding tendency is coming back to bite us. Going back up next weekend to deal with it again; but I can still remember to send you some light kiddo! I can get online there - but I usually I'm more focussed on the "git R done" stuff... and there's still a lot to get done.
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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #12 on: May 22, 2012, 10:32:37 AM »
YVW, Hops, and such a good person.

Keep moving ahead.....

the journey continues: )



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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #13 on: May 23, 2012, 02:50:50 PM »
Hops - remember when all the details of what you have to do seem like one of those snowballs moving downhill at 90 mph aimed directly at you... if you just step aside a few steps... at the right moment - it'll miss you!!

It's OK to sit, put your feet up, close your eyes and let yourself sink into deep, deep relaxation for 10-25 minutes, in other words. It will STILL all get done and in fine fashion, knowing you.

Here's a daisy and a dandelion to go with your light. NOTHING can keep these guys from growing back year after year. Just like you.
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Re: new chapter -- please send light
« Reply #14 on: June 09, 2012, 12:37:02 PM »

I'm sending you strength and energy for the challenges ahead. 

::picturing you in clear sunny spaces::

I hope you've been able to edit, and pare down the things that keep you tied to the past.

I hope you have the energy to cultivate growing things again.

Remember to dance, Hopsy.
