and if my FOO-members can't handle the truth -- OH WELL.
You know Phoenix, you make a darn good point with this. Why should we care?
My original name on this site was poozybear, something that I chose without even thinking about it. When the Internet first came into my home 15+ years ago, that was the name of the dog I had, so I used it for my email address, and continued to use it on any site that asked for a nickname. I though it would be a good idea to have a recognizable monikor to use on all sites, as I do a lot of business online. For that purpose, it's served me well. If you search the name you'll find my eBay listings, Zazzle shops, Etsy shop, and anything else I have going on. BUT, one day I googled myself, and that's when I saw some posts from this group.
At the time, I freaked, but in hindsight, why did I? Maybe it was the initial shock of realizing that my "therapy" was available to the public. Now, after reading your comment, yeah, I agree. Why should I care if NM, or anyone else, knows that I'm talking about the things she did to me? It's not like I'm making up stories. She DID commit all of the sadistic acts that I've discussed here. Bottom line, if you don't want your child discussing the fact that they were abused, then don't abuse your child. So from this day forward, I don't give a hooey what she sees or hears. So there!