Hi all,
Thanks for all your messages; it's so funny how you all understand when some of my friends have said "Oh!" and not really said any more!
Do you know what, we're good. My boy is ten, he's doing so well. He's got the loveliest personality, he's so kind and funny, people like him, he's just very easy to warm to. I teach him at home and his reading and writing are really coming on now, socially he's doing much better and he's really getting into some of his activities, particularly sailing, gymnastics and swimming. I am so proud of him and so HAPPY MY FAMILY DIDN'T GET A CHANCE TO F##K HIM UP! We are happy as we are, life is good for us now. We've both been through a lot over the last decade but we've learnt a lot and I've let a lot of stuff go. This feels good. It feels good to have someone professional acting on my (our) behalf. It was very uplifiting to have someone validate our situation. My mental health has been blamed for lots of things. I've never agreed, but it's difficult when you've had mental health problems, some people see it as a weak spot and exploit it. Whatever happens next, I feel like I am getting it right, you know? I'm talking to the right people, dealing with it as it comes up, my son is blissfully unaware which is great - I had the weight of the world on my shoulders when I was his age and I'm really happy that his focus is on being a kid, nothing else. I was a bit tearful when the sol told me some of the stuff that he's concerned about but that's okay, who wouldn't be? See, I'm getting good at talking to myself the right way, lol.
Will keep you all up to date with what is going on (although I'm told it's a very slow process and everything takes months!). Thank you for being there.
Tup xxx