All right, Mud.
I can't do anything but wait and see how this case, in this tar baby of civil judicial system, works out.
And I'll do that, and I'll stop writhing about it.
I must.
I'll have my answers with regard to accountability, consequences, and what a Judge can and can't do in her courtroom soon enough.
Hopefully, this year, though this same county has another case of mine tied up for over year with the Judge refusing to rule. THAT case was dismissed, went to the appelate courts and was kicked back, btw. Same as THIS case. An odyssey of cases that each require the time, effort and cost of 3 or 4 trials each with requests for reconsiderations, appeals and second chances. Obscene, and the only winners so far are the attorneys of course.
Chaos and confusion be damned.
The rubber's going to meet the road on this case.
I've done the work.
I've done my best.
I've hired the most competent, aggressive legal representation I could find.
I can do no more, and there must be some kind of peace in that.
In the meantime, the disparity between what the family courts say they do, and what they actually do, simply cannot be squared.
::shaking head::
It can't.
It's almost like dealing with an all powerful PD entity.
There's no making sense of it, so why keep trying?