Won't make this too long as I've discovered the more energy I put into talking about,
the less energy I put into doing. Huh. Life story.
But it's creeping along. I hit the wall last week, adrenalin gone, motivation still in a
box. Just crashed this w/e, walked, rested. Got a little laundry done. I'm going to
do a quick pickup before a group meeting at my home Thursday ... same band of
angels who unpacked my kitchen and made my bed for the first night, so I know
they won't judge.
Still love it, still very unpacked. (My office? Pile o' boxes.) It's not a how-to thing,
it's a how-to-focus and how-to-have energy to do it I'm working on.
Walking and also getting re-acquainted with my ancient Vitamix (love that thing,
I have a great firebreathing dragon sticker on it) have both helped. Green
smoothies and getting up determined to take a hike the new neighborhood, two whole
days of "doing it regularly" so far! Did some laundry (had to wash everything as it was musty
from storage...) but I found that unpacking my shabby clothes, I was ready to send
at least half of them back to the Goodwill from whence they came. That felt good.
The house's "feel" is cozy, warm, comfortable...just seems to fit around me wonderfully.
Spring will be a whole new thing, and I'm not trying any fall garden prep. What with
working FT, and spending so much I am still reverberating in a bit of $worry...that has
to wait. Indoors needs to be "done" before I focus outside. Energy, again, is the main
issue. All my art is still in a
friend's spare room. She'll deliver it when I'm ready to hang things.
But the low-E windows are in and tonight at last, I'm hanging white cotton curtains
in the room I hang out in most...a back addition that feels spacious and cozy. Great
windows on three sides, and a tree I love. Treetrunk smack in front of window. I
have an old slipcovered couch and three armchairs, plus my grandmother's restored
loveseat that cost an arm and leg but really looks beautiful in front of a big window.
I am really loving the neighborhood. Great architectural diversity from huge stunning
old places with landscaping 100 years old, some tasteful modern houses, lovely porches
and old trees...down to my little workerbee bungalow block. And the nature trail, and
some very trendy places. All mixed together which makes it fabulous for walking --
joggers and dogwalkers always going by. Always somebody to greet on the street
which I really enjoy. Even early this a.m., met a friendly gay couple who've been
there for years--asked them to come visit for the 10-second tour.
So all's well in Hops-land. Thanks for being interested!