Can I ask how you managed to maintain contact with your mother and not feed her supply?
I keep as little contact with her as possible. She's never threatened me with taking my kids. (She wouldn't have. She doesn't particularly like kids. They're too needy and don't feed her narcissism.) If she had I would have cut all contact with her. I have little time and patience for games like that.
And that's the key. How much will I take? Not much at all, and she's come to realize that. Mother is a childish, angry, demanding, energy-sucking 85-year-old with selective memory. I'm in my early 50s, and with my job and other activities (I'm the bass-player of two rock bands), I just don't have the time or energy to play her games. Oh, she tries to "guilt" me, but that trick hasn't worked in years. I cannot feel guilt because she's unhappy. That's her problem.
As I grew up, she made sure I never developed a backbone, and got pretty abusive, verbally and emotionally when she didn't get her way, so she almost always did. She believed just because she raised us, she can treat us however she wants. It wasn't until I was in my 30s before I actually got that backbone. I realized she's just like a spoiled, willful child, and began to act accordingly. I actually practiced things to say to her when she pulls her crap, until it came easily and readily. She doesn't really know how to deal with someone who stands up for herself, so she pretty much avoids me too.
Also, of the three of us kids, I was the lucky one. I was adopted, and my younger brothers were not. Mother kept the knowledge of my adoption from me, but I discovered it myself at age 27, and began a search. One of the many things going through my mind at the time was being grateful I was NOT born to her. And even before I found my wonderful birthmother, I was able to distance myself from N-Mother emotionally. (My adoptive father was a saint, and I loved him dearly. He dealt with her by becoming a work-a-holic.)
It's just that I have come to a point where I won't deal with toxic people for long. I call their bluff. I let them take the natural consequences of their behavior. (You treat me like crap, I won't be around.) Mother's used to everyone dancing on eggs around her. I will not. And since guilt, her only tool left to her, doesn't work on me anymore, she doesn't know how to deal with me.
It's a joy to watch, really.