Leisure time ..Could be dancing across my living room, or garden, an art walk, a roller coaster ride, bake (when you don't have to bake), cook (when you don't have to cook), beach, swim,
relaxation....I love summer days when I can sit out side, lay back, and feel the warmth of the sun , just hear nature around me. I love sitting at the edge of the beach just enough for the waves to come upon your feet, the sun, the salt water smell, and the sound of nature. I love when it snows, the smell, the flakes, the sky. A hot bath with lavender oil. Sit down after my leisure time of dancing across the living room, get my heart out of my throat after the roller coaster ride. Soy candle (lavender and vanilla, foot bath, rubbing fingers through my hair, getting nails done, having your hair shampooed.
Rest ...take a vacation, take a nap, slow down, take a breath, close your eyes, get 8 hours, put your feet up, put your head back
Recreation...walks, hikes with dogs, being creative especially with design of garden, pond, lighting, drawing and painting a picket fence (under my kitchen cabinets) on the wall...bringing outside, ping pong
Play...with dogs, games in pool, one dog in pool that like to ride the boogie board, board games, catching frogs in the pond with friends kids, playing video games (as a family) breaking out into silly dances with family (just because) and for no reason at all...