Merry Christmas, Tupp!
My youngest put out milk and cookies for Santa, along with a handwritten "wish list" tied neat with red ribbon last night. She's doing things we did when she was younger, things that were comforting, and happy, and good. Thing's she's likely outgrown, but is hanging onto this year........ She waited till everyone was in bed to tell me she had something very important to do, and asked for help.
Seems she already knew which plate and glass she would avail herself to on Santa's behalf. She left the list at the base of the Christmas Tree...... all very well thought out, and the list had a little sign placed in front of it. She didn't need any help at all...... just company.
Our Christmas has been lovely this year..... family together, wonderful food, and much loved traditions in place, with the addition of ice skating . We have one injury, (a lump so large we think of it as it's own little person) and many sore muscles in the group. Very funny to watch people work their way around the rink very seriously clutching the wall .......
"S'cuse me, coming through, s'cuse me."
Well, their faces said that.... they were too busy clinging to actually speak, and a good time was had by all. Even those who didn't get off the wall.
Merry Christmas to you and your darling boy, Tupp: )