(((((((((((((((((((((Ales2))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) You're welcome. I think the term BAT-SHIT CRAZY is the only way to describe the N's that we know.
I've seen this N Bat-Shit Crazy behavior time and time again whenever there's been a death involved.
When I was a kid, and another child-friend of mine died, (about the age of between 10 to 12), I was devastated. The N-B*tch's attitude about this child's death was essentially: "EFF him, ME FIRST!" She punished me for crying about the death of my childhood friend even though I was still only a kid myself! I was NOT permitted to take the focus off of the QUEEN @#$% of the UNIVERSE!
Years later, before I finally understood what N-Doofus was about, I was at her home for a dinner invite. Upon my arrival at her place, it quickly became apparent that her husband was not home. He had gone over to his parents' place because his father's illness took a turn for the worse. I stated that I should go home so that she could go be with her husband during this stressful time. She nonchalantly dismissed that idea and continued to behave as if it was no big deal to HER. Within the hour, the phone rang. It was N-Doofus' husband informing her that his father had just died. There was ABSOLUTELY NO EMPATHY coming from her!

When she hung up the phone, I again offered to go home so that she could go be with her husband to console him in his grief about his Dad. She blew me off and ANNOUNCED her "little plans" that SHE wanted to watch some movies on DVD and expected ME to set it up for her!

I told her that I NEVER touch other people's electronics without looking at the user/owner's manual first! She assumed that all electronics were identical!

Again, I emphasized that I NEVER touch other people's electronics WITHOUT LOOKING at the owner's manual FIRST! I asked her where they keep their owner's manuals and all I got was the "glassy-eyed blank stare"....no answer. So I started searching the area around the electronics in the hope that her husband kept the manuals near or beside the electronics.
While I'm searching, N-Doofus CALLED HER HUSBAND while he was still dealing with the immediate aftermath of his father's death. (The Dad had died at home.) THAT, in itself, shocked me!

The next words out of her mouth had my jaw on the floor! N-Doofus DEMANDED that he IMMEDIATELY DROP what he's doing and tell me how to set up the electronics because SHE WANTED TO WATCH A MOVIE!

I could hear him yelling at her from across the room and she just blew him off. Her whole attitude was: "EFF YOUR DEAD FATHER....ME FIRST!" (BAT-SHIT CRAZY!)
A few years after that, (I still didn't know or understand about NPD), I'm at the bedside of the NB*TCH as she lay in a coma, dying. I realized that in the rush to get to the hospital, I left my medications behind, which I needed to take. I called N-Doofus, thinking she was my friend, and asked her if she could go to my home and bring my prescriptions to me. She came to the hospital, got my house keys, went to my place, got my medications, then gave them to me. Instead of expressing empathy about the fact that the NB*TCH was comatose and clearly dying, N-DOOFUS starts up her song and dance of: "LOOK AT ME! LOOK AT ME!!! PAY ATTENTION TO ME! DON'T YOU THINK I'M FUNNY!! I WANT YOU TO DO FOR ME-E-E-E!!!!! MY LITTLE PLANS!!!" I asked her to stop. She acted as if I said: "Keep trucking!" The nurse finally had to FORCE HER TO LEAVE because she was disruptive to everyone in the Intensive Care Unit at the hospital! (BAT-SHIT CRAZY!) No empathy! NOTHING but DEMANDS that EVERYONE FOCUS ON HER!

It took me a long time to finally get it that I was dealing with an NPD. Once I got it......I got it!
Sheesh!!!! All these N's need to be locked up in a rubber room, somewhere, AWAY from us!
