Thank you everybody for your kind words, I am feeling pretty dreadful but that's partly because of my period which seems to be hell bent on killing me these days, they are going to check a few things out regarding that as well as it's getting a bit beyond a joke! Fortunately the doctor has been very nice and understanding and we all know how much that helps! Will hopefully know more in a few weeks.
I had another card from my auntie this morning, I am not sensing anything unpleasant on her part (other than an unwillingness to deal with the truth!), but the card just says thank you for the one I sent her and offering to meet with my mum and that my mum has been quite ill and in hospital a couple of times and that she hopes myself and my son are well. It does just read as a 'normal' interaction and she's not said anymore about the situation in general, although it does sound as if my mum is genuinely unwell after crying wolf so many times.
I've not heard from my mum, about which I am very relieved, and I've not heard from my sister (her henchlady) either (they usually work like a tag team). As ill as she is, my mum did find the strength to write something unpleasant to my step-sister. I'm wondering if she thinks this is my punishment, her ignoring me in her final days and if she thinks I will be left distraught that I never regained her approval or something like that? I try and think of a normal person's response and then think about hers and I wonder if in her mind she thinks I'll be devastated that she didn't contact me? I'm actually so relieved, I wish I'd never contacted any of them to be honest but I felt like I wanted to give myself a chance to see if I'd got it wrong about the family situation (now I don't think I did).
Anyway - I'm trying to focus on good things and looking after myself. Love Bonesie's idea of a group writing project where we all get to wreak revenge on those who have wronged us. Perhaps we could set up a thread for that to happen?
Thank you for all your thoughts and good wishes, it means a lot to know you care xxx