So glad for you. It is much easier to maintain when things are brought up to snuff. I hope the rude gardener is good and fast and maybe even has a change of attitude.
Hi GS, thanks! I'm starting to think getting help in wasn't such a good idea! Waited in for a window cleaner on Friday who never showed up and hasn't returned my call, the gardener has changed the day and time four times now and each time seems to want to spend half an hour on the phone talking about it. I am getting the chance to practise my new assertiveness skills!
Well what a nightmare day it's been! Message to Twoapenny - trust your instincts, say no and don't think 'oh this will do for now'! Things I have said to myself so many times already but I still don't follow my own advice!
Gardener turned up 40 minutes late after changing arrangements four times. Then proceeded to spend half an hour unloading his van, telling me all about his weekend and drinking coffee - bear in mind he's on an hourly rate. I checked the time for when he actually started working and left him to it.
My garden is small - less than ten feet square front and back. It is just overgrown - grass needed cutting, weeds needed removing, some things needed pruning. He'd been round to have a look last week and I'd said I just wanted it tidy and it was just a one off job. I didn't want it redesigning or landscaping or anything like that.
He kept offering to do other jobs that I hadn't asked for, I kept saying no, he kept arguing saying it would help me more (love how he knows what would help me better than I do). I kept hearing him talking on his phone, would look into the garden to see he wasn't there and after two hours I went to see how much he'd done. I couldn't believe how little he'd managed; he'd cut about six square feet of grass and weeded one flower bed.
I didn't have the nerve to go and send him on his way then; with hindsight I should have. I did go out and tell him that we were going out and that I'd need him to stop just after 5pm, thereby capping him at four hours. I told him I didn't have any more money to pay him for more than four hours work so he knew if he stayed longer (as we really were going out; if he'd been on time he'd have finished before we left) that he wouldn't get paid.
He started pressing for a date to come and do the rest of the work; again I should have told him no way but I just said I'd be in touch and left it at that. I kept checking on him for the rest of the time and he carried on chatting on his phone, stopped to eat a sandwich and was doing things that really weren't necessary, like redigging a bed that was weed free or straightening edges that didn't need straightening (whilst the back garden was completely untouched and still looked like a jungle).
Locked the house up at five; he was loading all the rubbish into his vehicle. I'd said several times that I could take it to the dump myself (it's just up the road) but he kept insisting that he'd save me the bother. I went out to his car to pay him; he took the money and then told me it was extra to take the rubbish to the dump and that he needed petrol money for turning up!
I was calm initially; I said that wasn't what we'd agreed and that I'd said several times I was happy to clear the rubbish myself. He'd said he'd told me it would cost extra and that I couldn't take the rubbish myself because they were his bags. He then said the hourly rate was just for labour and that petrol and rubbish disposal were extra and tried to fleece me for another £15! Bearing in mind he'd only worked three of the four hours he was there, he lost an hour in faffing around on the phone and stopping for lunch.
I told him he was a very rude man and walked away and left him to it. Fortunately the house was already locked up and my son was already in the car so I could just get in and drive off. I felt sick and was almost crying; as much through anger as through anything else. He'd blatantly tried to rip me off and then tried to pretend I was the one doing him over.
We were out for about three hours and I was worried that I'd get home and find all the rubbish dumped in the garden or a horrible message on my answerphone. All was clear, though, he's taken it away and left me alone so that was a relief.
What a horrible little man and why on earth do people just try to get money they haven't earnt?!