Thanks Tup. You know, I thought when this day finally came that I would be overcome with mixed up emotions, but that hasn't happened. All I have felt is extreme relief, almost delight, in knowing that she's GONE from the face of the earth.
I probably feel like I do because she cried wolf for too many years leading up to this. I was first told about four years ago that she had an inoperable tumor on her heart, and had only a month to live. At that time, I was overcome with emotions, but months passed, then years, and it became clear that even if she DID have cancer, her prognosis was far better than she was letting on. She played the whole thing for attention, extreme theatrics, posting all over Internet chat boards that she was dying, the whole time looking and feeling fine. It reached a point where every time I received a letter from Co-F saying that she was dying and didn't have much time left, I shrugged it off and said, "Oh brother, not THAT again." When her time finally came, I was so burned out from all the drama that I just didn't care. Others in the family apparently started feeling the same way. People were just sick of the drama.
I've heard this same story from other people who have parents with NPD or other personality disorders. The person fakes an illness for so long, that when they finally do get sick, no one believes them, and they die alone. NM got the ending she deserved. Not a single tear will be shed.
I am a little stressed over what will come next. I know Co-F won't back down and will continue to try and guilt me. But the fact remains that the main event was NM's death, and neither one of them succeeded in getting a response from me. She died without the satisfaction of knowing she had gotten to me, so no matter how much Co-F guilts me from here on forward, the victory will always be mine. That's how I'm trying to look at it anyway.