Yes I completely agree, Kathy, I thought of you when I got the mail and all the sneaking around your lot have done (I hope things have been quiet for you on that front?).
It's another part of the learning process for me - my old response, which is to jump to attention immediately, do whatever it takes to make everyone else comfortable and happy and, above all, not be thought of as unkind, unpleasant, mean etc. When that happens now another bit of my brain shouts "No, wait, don't do that!". And I've not learnt an appropriate new response yet, one that is right for me and it's that bit that throws me now, having to think about what to do and how to handle it. That's one of the reasons I find the board so useful, having other people in similar situations to bounce things off. Doing what suits me best is still new ground for me. Bottom line, whatever the ins and outs of the situation, they're all bloody mad and happy to have a child molester in their midst. So birthday and Christmas cards with the aunts is fine but nothing more. Message deleted, another lesson learnt/practised, another step closer to healthy reactions being instinctive and not having to worry about things. Thank you for your message, I hope things are okay with you? xx