Author Topic: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?  (Read 2630 times)


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Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« on: May 11, 2013, 04:59:15 PM »
Hi Everybody,

So my Mother's Day sadness and anxiety hasn't quite hit as hard as it usually does, but I'm still feeling a little bit uneasy about it all.  I wondered if any other SONMs and DONMs are feeling this and how you're coping?  Anyone have any plans for tomorrow?  Any tips for negotiating the feelings of guilt/shame/loss/anger and so on?

I think DH and I will probably rally the little ones and take them out for a country walk.  I think I might also turn my phone off after I call my aunt in the morning; I found her the perfect Aunt-specific"Mother's Day" Card: "Aunties never talk down to you even when you are small; Aunties tell you all about your parents when they were your age..."

Mostly, I worry I might be left another voicemail bomb.  NM's birthday was a few weeks ago and this was the first year (NC) that I didn't acknowledge it.  Anyway, my Dad called from an unknown (un-blocked) number and left me a really aggressive nasty message.  "Kay, I cannot believe you wouldn't even send your mother a card on her birthday.  How cruel are you?  This is YOUR FATHER!"  He was so absolutely snarling in it, like he totally meant to harass and scare me.  It didn't bother me too badly at first.  It seemed almost like foreplay between them; I could imagine Dad calling right in front of NM, being her "hero."  But as the days went by, I started to feel really anxious, get bad dreams.  My dad has been so aggressive, almost violet through this whole NC thing.  If anything, I always imagined it would be GC sister who was the one who came after me.  But it's him and that's somehow much worse.  I really really hope they leave me be tomorrow.

Kay x


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #1 on: May 11, 2013, 06:20:23 PM »

I've been going back and forth between depression and rage while feeling hatred toward the NBitch.  Not sure what to do with these emotions.

Back Off Bug-A-Loo!


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #2 on: May 12, 2013, 12:50:09 AM »

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #3 on: May 12, 2013, 02:41:02 AM »
Hi Kay,

If it's any help at all those sorts of celebrations/anniversaries have got easier for me over time.  I think something that's helped me is that I'm quite anti the whole commercialisation of these sorts of things - for me, things like Mother's Day, Valentines Day and so on are just a way for people to make money out of cards and flowers.  They don't seem 'real' to me. 

I am sorry that your dad is behaving this way.  Again, if it's any consolation, I found my lot ramped up the harrassment and nastiness for a while and eventually gave up when they kept getting no response.  Ignore, ignore, ignore.  It is horrible and no-one wants to be in that sort of situation, but making alternative plans (as you are) and dealing with it in your own way is the best way to heal, I think.  Even thought it hurts at the time, when I look back I can see that each bad patch has helped me get a little bit better, but sometimes it hurts more while it's happening.  Hang in there.  And how are the babies? :)



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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #4 on: May 12, 2013, 07:39:54 AM »
Nope. Hubs and I found a totally decadent dinner menu at one of our fav restaurants where I can either stuff myself, or bring home another meal of leftovers in a box. That's what I'm doing later on. Just a quiet dinner out - him and I.

Card came from H; it said: "My therapist says it's NOT your fault... how's that for a happy mother's day?" (and she added a note: none of it...)

About the time my eyes were drifting closed last night, my mom called. Yes, the same usual monologue again. Even repeated herself 2-3 times about some things. My mom's day present was to simply let her talk, say um-hum... and finally tell her it was bed time for me, anyway. She's started to see the therapist that my brother & SIL are going to; well, at least my brother - according to mom, SIL isn't going since she was asked some questions she didn't like. Yadda-yadda.

And maybe A will call. Things are getting less hostile on that front and from all appearances, she is beginning to get her head clear. I helped her financially get into a better, cleaner place (without the associations of what went on in the other one). And she is starting to think about the boys coming home. (We have some work to do there; basic parenting mindset/skills...  and she still has a very long road, if she'll stay on it... to sort through her own stuff.)
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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #5 on: May 12, 2013, 11:37:19 AM »
In 1991, mother's day was May 11, and the day that N-sil dismissed me from there/them for chastising him for overly chastising the little 4½ year old grandson.

22 years is a long time, so any thoughts are only in passing: grandson is now 26 ½, the other two are 24 and 21 this year.

Last night I had to get up for the bathroom--being sleepy, I forgot that I had released both brakes on my chair, so when I was using it and the bed to transfer, the chair swiveled away from me, leaving a "hole" for me to just keep going and sit on the floor. It was likely ½ hour+ before I was up in my chair again. As I rested between tries, I thought of D, but realized that she would likely only say the truth. "You ought to have been more careful". (long time has passed since previous mishap like this.)

It's all a matter of placement/angles==shove mattress away, leaving room on the box spring, raise from floor up to there, another raise to chair seat (no cushion), then pull mattress back and move over: then back to chair with cushion, and continue as if nothing happened.

Re angles, I approached the bed too 'parallel', braked both and transferred over, I released ONE brake and swing the chair away but it stays close enough to reach in the morning. Last night, being I was so close to the bed, I had to release the two brake and shove the chair straight backwards reminding my self to remember in the morning.

Well, needless to say, ......

I just have to be more vigilant and to hell with mother's day.
"The joy of love lasts such a short time, but the pain of love lasts one's whole life"


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #6 on: May 23, 2013, 07:20:55 PM »
Hi Yes, Mothers Day is always a struggle. mostly because I dont have my own family and I'm 45 now. If I had my own family, I would just say sorry, we are busy, cant get up there.  This year was the first year in five I saw my Nm and it was only because she was in the hospital after back surgery that I visited. I had a terrible time. I sat there for about four hours and we talked superficially, then as I was about getting ready to leave, she made a crack about Mothers Day that set me off and I got very angry and told her how much what she did hurt me and altered my life in a way that cant be fixed (I.e I missed my chance to have kids because of her meddling and criticism and how she treated me affected my self esteem and the way I responded to abusive people etc.). I should not have gone there, but I did. I left in a huff,  I was on the verge of tears from her insensitivity. I got in the car and the hurt went away. I got to a starbucks and felt 100% better. I had been emotional, but actually felt a sense of relief at having expressed myself. In that sense, the day turned out OK.


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2013, 12:47:42 PM »
When my Nmom was alive, Mother's Day was pretty easy, since I was such a good Cinderella.
I fussed over her, bought her cards and usually a lovely plant. She enjoyed it, it was simple.

Now that my only child (and only family) is estranged, Mother's Day is excruciating. It's taken
me a week to retrieve my emotional balance. But I know what the answer is. I need to treat
ALL of those "trigger" days as I would a scheduled surgery...and have a PLAN in place to
prevent my being alone with the waves of sorrow. I did that very effectively with my bday/
housewarming party (I guess that'll have to be an annual event...I won't announce my bday
but will have a party near that day every year, I think--it's a lovely time of year to gather).

And this year, I had no plan for Mothers' Day. Though I resent the imposition on the culture
I know that many, many other mothers are alone, or neglected, or stuck in a nursing home
without family, etc. Whether it's volunteering or something else to occupy my mind, I don't
want to go through another one like this. It hit me harder this time because it was my 2nd
Mother's Day without a word from her. I knew she would not be in touch, but knowing what
to expect didn't make it easier. So...I spent the day alone. Just fending off the pain. Later
in the day I texted a friend to invite her to watch a show we often watch together, and she
came, so that was nice. We didn't mention it (she avoids the subject out of care for me, and
she's not one to talk about "deep feeling" stuff anyway) -- but it helped a lot.

Still, I realized that if I hadn't reached out to her, I would not have seen anyone. I can't
bear to go to church that day and sit among all the doting parent-child combinations.

I have found a few forums online specifically for the parents of estranged adult children.
This generation, it is a "silent epidemic" and people exhaust themselves analysing how
this happened. Many own up, up front, to their own failings and flaws and mistakes.
But most just express deep shock, that so many young adults have made that choice,
in situations where there was no abuse, only good intentions from imperfect people.

I have healed a good deal, but I think Mday hit me harder this year because it was a
confirmation that she didn't just need "a year off" from contact, to heal and calm and
get new perspective...she really has "divorced" me. (She announced to the counselor
we went to, "I want to divorce my mother." The counselor asked her, "Do you want
to hurt your mother?" and D said, "Yes, I am very angry and bitter.") That was over
two years ago and all I know is, she meant it.

I can pray (agnostically) and send her "white light" and I light a candle for her every
time I am in church, just saying silently "Please take care of D..." and hope the universe hears.

The online forums are kind of a comfort, though hearing from people whose children
walked away from them for many, many hard. But letting go of hope and
staying busy, and focusing on my own life, is the only thing I can do.

I am determined to find happiness and meaning in my life, even with this loss.

Mothers' Day does not help. But I will make alternate plans for that day going forward.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #8 on: May 24, 2013, 01:30:48 PM »
(((((((((((Hi Hops)))))))))))))


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #9 on: May 24, 2013, 09:01:41 PM »
Hiya (((((((Ales))))))

...thanks for the hug.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2013, 01:33:29 AM »
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Anyone struggling with Mother's Day?
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2013, 03:50:57 AM »
This is really great Hops..thanks for sharing it!

It talks about both, phases of life, being a mother (or not)  and having one.