The information on elder abuse seems to be about giving money to the cause, and what they're supposed to do, though I find nothing that is of direct help NOW.
Everyone is holding their breath, waiting for K to blow it this weekend, so that H can see, feel, KNOW what K is doing, and what she is, and what that she can't be counted on.
I want to shake H, but she's in no mood to be challenged. Frankly, it's her money, and I can't make her give it to the helpful, kind caregivers in her life, which is what I wish she'd actually DO with it, anymore than I can keep her from giving it all away to a predator, though I know I'll be contacting the predator's supervisors if another check shows up.
That seems to be H's cousins' take on it too..... to wait and see, since H snapped their heads off for showing concern, and accused them of wanting her money. Ouch.
No one wants to upset H, and no one wants to get their head snapped off when they attempt to protect her.
Honeslty, I don't want to remember H with bulging eyes, and screaming and throwing things at me.
The last time I saw her she put her head on me in the hallway, and looked up with tears in her eyes. It was touching, and I know it's very selfish, but I don't want to see her lose herself in madness. She's one of the most pragmatic people I've ever known, and it's terrible her caregivers are suffering with her deterioration, but......
I'm her friend, not her caregiver, and I have my hands full right now with a friend dying unexpectedly, my mother's ongoing battle with cancer, and other family problems.......
I don't want to battle her over money, or be accused of caring for her money like the others who spoke up with their concerns.
If the primary caregiver wasn't so much like John Coffey, from The Green Mile I'd feel better about doing nothing. As it is, I feel rotten, but I'm shying away from that struggle out of self preservation.
In the end, it will likely be me filing a complaint with her supervisors, and you guys can just picture John Coffey as your prime witness in the matter.