Author Topic: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )  (Read 2819 times)


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Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« on: June 15, 2013, 10:57:56 AM »
There's no feeling of dread or heaviness......

it feels exactly right.

Lots going on in our lives and I think this is the best way to keep the children on track, and still accommodate all commitments. 

Wish us luck!



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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #1 on: June 17, 2013, 12:08:15 PM »
Yay, Lighter!  Brilliant news!  Hope all goes well for you, home ed has been a real life saver (and life changer) for us.  Yippee!!

Looking forward to hearing lots of home school adventures :) xx


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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #2 on: June 18, 2013, 12:36:13 PM »
If it feels right it probably is. I give a lot of credit to you for home schooling, my kids went to a good public school in a good area. We still ran into problems with bad attitudes, mistreatment and bad influences with students and teachers. You are giving your children and yourself a gift that will last a lifetime.

 Best of luck to you and your children!


Redhead Erin

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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #3 on: July 18, 2013, 12:00:01 AM »
Yay!  I have been homeschooling since pre-school, and I love it.  I wouldn't do it any other way.

How old are the kids in question?


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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #4 on: July 19, 2013, 11:21:56 PM »
Thank you Fraidy and Tupp.

RedHead Erin:  My children are rising 5th and 8th grade students.  Both are looking forward to homeschooling (we've discussed it since oldest was in pre school.) 

Any advice from you or Tupp, Red?



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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #5 on: September 05, 2013, 08:40:17 AM »
Update on homeschool:

Things are pretty much going the way I thought they would.

My oldest child is breezing through, self directed, ahead of schedule...... working at the gifted level.  Thinking about college, and career paths. 

My youngest child requires more direction, but is actually making huge strides in areas that weren't the strongest.  Amazing really!

It's wonderful to spend so much one on one time with them, in any case.  Exactly what I wanted it to be, though my youngest isn't quite so sure about it..... if she didn't spend so much time procrastinating, I think she'd be much happier with the program.   

I'm looking forward to getting a good schedule in place, and for things to start running on autopilot so we can add some cool lab trips. 

Right now I'm still hammering out details, but it's absolutely the best choice for us this year.

YES: )



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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #6 on: September 07, 2013, 04:20:20 PM »
Fabulous, Lighter!  Home ed was absolutely the best decision I ever made, couldn't have planned it better!  Long may this continue for you :)


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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #7 on: September 08, 2013, 06:11:25 AM »
Excellent, Lighter!

It's quite the project but the rewards will be priceless. I'm gonna go out on a limb and suggest that your kids will blossom and try to achieve a lot more as they begin to "own" the idea of being able to learn on their own, with you as the guide. Be ready for some surprises along the way! As they develop (especially your 5th grader) you may both find that there are things neither of you knew about her!  ;)
Success is never final, failure is never fatal.


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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #8 on: September 09, 2013, 08:05:41 AM »
 :D Tupp and Izzy:

I'm waiting to get on line for a learning coach class this morning.

Das kinder and I had such a wonderful weekend, and evening last night.  I just didn't worry about school at all, or stress the kids out about our school.  I can get very white knuckled if I'm not mindful, and it's not useful in any case. Maybe a bit of white knuckling is necessary (for me) but we're all happier without it. 

Learning to lean into this, and dream a bit.

How could I forget to dream with my children?   
::shaking head::

I must make a note to never ever to forget to dream with them again.



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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #9 on: September 09, 2013, 10:55:24 AM »
:D Tupp and Izzy:

I'm waiting to get on line for a learning coach class this morning.

Das kinder and I had such a wonderful weekend, and evening last night.  I just didn't worry about school at all, or stress the kids out about our school.  I can get very white knuckled if I'm not mindful, and it's not useful in any case. Maybe a bit of white knuckling is necessary (for me) but we're all happier without it. 

Learning to lean into this, and dream a bit.

How could I forget to dream with my children?   
::shaking head::

I must make a note to never ever to forget to dream with them again.



I think when we're fighting so many things on different levels and in different ways, along with the normal day to day stuff it's all too easy to forget to have a nice life and enjoy it!  Sometimes the circumstances (sometimes created by others) leave us having to respond and react in a way that isn't the way we would usually want to spend our time, if you see what I mean.

And I've found over time that it's easier now to put the brakes on and say, you know what?  There are leaves in the park that need kicking around, there are conkers that need collecting, blackberries to make pies with and then we've got some big boxes that need turning into a fortress, so we don't have time for all this grown up nonsense today.

The one thing I feel I can say, hand on heart, that I've done a good job with, is my boy, and for us a big part of that has been home ed.  I'm really glad it's going so well for you and you enjoy every second of dreaming with those lovely kids of yours.  I'm sure they will appreciate how lucky they are to have someone who wants to dream with them as well xxx


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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #10 on: September 11, 2013, 10:58:33 AM »

I think things are going to get better for both of us.

We did what we needed when it needed doing.  That was necessary, and not what we'd have chosen, but it had to be done.

Life goes in cycles.  

We've been under water a while......

we can surface, see the sun, and enjoy feeling it on our faces if we're mindful.

Everything in it's own time, and it's time to stop repeating mistakes.  It frees us up to make new ones as lifelong learners.

Forgive ourselves for not being perfect, adjust our big girl panties, and see what comes next.  

Try to be hopeful and curious, like a child.

Try not to live in the fearful past.  

We can shrug it off, like clothes I think.

Everything's going to be OK; )



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Re: Done deal, I'm home-schooling this year: )
« Reply #11 on: September 11, 2013, 11:03:01 AM »
Agree completely :)  (((((((((((((((((((((((((((Lighter))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))