Hi everybody,
Because everyone, I think, should go to a high school reunion sometime in their life—if nothing more, to check to see if what one remembers really happened—I’ve decided to go to my 40th. Here’s the bio that I provided:
“Greetings to all my ex-Walt Whitman High School classmates! I’m sure you don’t remember me because I spent most of my time hiding in the corners of classrooms, behind my locker door, and sometimes even under my desk. You see, I felt like I didn't fit in, and I didn’t know what would happen to me if I sat in my chair. I also recruited two of the most brutish kids in our class—Dave Green and Danny Levin—to look out for me and throw a coat over my head whenever necessary. (Of course sometimes they threw their coats over my head for convenience sake, but that’s another story.) After college, and while in my 20's, I married one of my professors, raised 3 teenagers, had a daughter, and practiced and taught in the Harvard Medical School system. Then, at 30, I suddenly realized what had always eluded me: I was born (and raised) to be a maintenance man. (How could I have not known? Over and over again I had dreams of dear old Mrs. Shea teaching Caesar in Latin class: “Veni, Plungi, Vidi, Vici”--“I came, I plunged, I sawed, I conquered.”) Thankfully, I can now say that I’ve spent my whole adult life fixing things that needed fixing! I’m very proud of this, and currently I’m in training to be a maintenance man in the afterlife—presuming, of course, that I get assigned to a “room with maintenance.” (On the off chance you don't know what a "room with maintenance" is, you can google it along with my name.) I may attend our 40th reunion—but only if Dave and/or Danny agree to come as my protector. If you do spot a tall 57-year-old man with a coat over his head changing a light bulb, chances are it’s me.
Shalom Japan!
P.S. Dave and Danny weren’t really “brutish.” Because of my insecurity, I’m prone to making things up.
P.P.S. “Shalom Japan” – that would be my daughter Micaela's new restaurant in Brooklyn (recently mentioned in the New York Times). If you go, tell her I sent you, but be forewarned: you can't get sushi knishes. At least not yet…
P.P.P.S. Oh my God, did I make all of this up?"