Thank you both, for your kind thoughts and words.
I have been reading files this afternoon and I am chilled to the bone.
As you know, the allegations focused on my son. I've had numerous sets of records sent through over the years. I've skimmed through them all (there are hundreds of pages in some) looking for allegations relating to my son. The ones that don't contain any I've just put to one side and these are the ones I've been going through today, really just to see if I need to keep them or not.
I have some double checking to do as I need to cross reference these with other medical records to be sure that my memory and understanding of the situation is correct. But what I've come up with so far has scared the bejesus out of me.
When my son was two I had a breakdown. I'd suffered from depression before but this was really bad. My utmost, utmost, utmost wish has always been to be a good mum to my son. He was so little. I was still in contact with my mum and sister in those days and they helped out a lot with my son when I was too ill to care for him. As much as we had problems, I was grateful for this as the alternative was foster care and I didn't want that for him. Various agencies were involved, all at my request, and I was working flat out to get well again, doing way more than just taking tablets and hoping for the best.
It's these records I've been reading through. It seems that even that long ago, when I was so very ill, my mum was lying to the people involved and creating a picture of me that just wasn't true.
Example - a call from my mum to social services claiming that I was ringing her threatening to kill myself. There were times when I was suicidal, but my usual response to that was to phone the doctor. I have no recollection of ever ringing my mum to tell her this. Over the page, the social worker has called the doctor, who had seen me that day and who told her that I was fine, happy and doing well. The explanation given by my mum is that I am telling her one thing and the doctor something else. This was accepted by all of them, and a page later they are writing up a report describing me as manipulative, dramatic and prone to untruths.
There are other examples like that, but essentially the situation escalates from there and what was fairly routine becomes far more complex with me being misrepresented like this over and over again. It ends with the social worker suggesting I sign over rights to my son to my mum. Fortunately I did not