Well hopefully the family tradition of being a pain in the a**e is already behind us. My sister turned up (unannounced) last week for her annual moan and this morning my son received an anonymous 'gift' through the post. I'm hoping that's it now and the rest of the month will pass without event.
I handled both better that I have in the past. Sister turned up as I was about to do some gardening so I told her she could come and stand in the garden while I got on with what I needed to do. She waffled on for about an hour, I ummed and ahhed in the right places and then she went home so that was fine.
Parcel arrived this morning which fortunately I got from the postman before my son saw it. I've emailed the company who supplied it and explained the situation and asked them to make sure they don't deliver anything else to our address. I've divided what was in it up and will give it out to my neighbours children when they get home later and then the stuff it was packed in is all going in the bin. I did feel upset and angry but it hasn't ruined my day so there is progress there.
It makes my heart glad to picture you turning a negative event into one of care and giving in your neighborhood.
Also, I'm glad to read your little nest will be free of any negative reminders to impact your holiday seasony.
What are your plans for the holiday?
Hey Lighter

Yep, the kids will like them, I'll just say we've been given more than we can manage, they're sweet kids and most kids like chocolate so they won't be wasted. And no, it's my home and he's my son so we set the tone, not that basket of fruit loops so there will be no negativity here

We've a busy run up to Christmas so I think the day itself will be quiet at home. We're making gifts and decorations at the minute. This weekend we're going up to London to do a day with a campaign group; it's something I've been getting more interested in and I'd love to get more involved so I'm looking forward to that. The following weekend my son has four Christmas parties and a gymnastics display so that one's going to be busy and the following weekend I've booked a surprise weekend away. I don't know if you get Thomas the Tank Engine in the States? If you don't, it's a kids series all about trains which my son is mad on. There's a theme park all about it so I've booked us a weekend there; you spend the day in the park, then we stay in the hotel for the night (which is themed so he gets to sleep in a Thomas the Tank Engine bed) and in the morning we get breakfast with The Fat Controller (his favourite character from the books). He doesn't know anything about it, he's going to be so chuffed

So after all that we get home December 22nd and it will be feet up and lots of games and films (and naps, hopefully!). What have you got planned for you and your lovely girls? xx