Author Topic: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)  (Read 2522 times)


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Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« on: January 01, 2014, 10:42:07 AM »
So... just going by the arbitrary calendar... today is 1-1...

and it might as well just be "blank canvas day"!!

The "do-over" day... the fresh start day... the "who do I want to be" and "what will I do with my self" day...

I don't make resolutions, btw. They just don't work for me. Hubs said he did - and gave me the list. It's a list of things he wants - to be, do, live. He turns 60 in March... and is thinking if he's going ever do X, well... he'd better get started!! LOL. Most are going to require my participation, I think.

We all make it up as we go along through life. Sometimes it works out; sometimes we have to start over. Starting over again is something we are given each and every day... not just New Year's Day. So, we're accumulating - over time - more skills, more knowledge, about WHAT to paint on that canvas... and how to go about it... to suit ourselves, better. Doesn't matter if anyone else likes it. If you have to explain the painting to anyone - well, then I guess they have a really small framework of reference, huh?

I've been quiet lately. Not just here. Not sure what it was all about either. It seems to have worked itself out what ever it was.

I hope everyone is well, happy enough, and looking forward to an opportunity to "start all over again" at creating them selves... a new picture... that "fits" you, compliments your eyes, and just feels good.
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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 10:35:50 PM »
You have always been all about arising from the ashes transformed.

Oddly enough spent a good portion of this very slow day at work discussing crafts and such.

For me my job shift is changing to be earlier rather than mid day so maybe this will free up some time for me to do other things
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 10:52:46 PM by Green Bean »


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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #2 on: January 02, 2014, 01:47:15 PM »
Happy New Clean Canvas Day, sKep and GB:

I've really missed your voice, sKep.

Glad you're back.



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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #3 on: January 02, 2014, 02:05:49 PM »
I like Blank Canvas Day :)

I've two resolutions:

1  Put myself first

2  Don't do Christmas anymore.  There is nothing about it that I enjoy; there's a huge build up, the stress starts piling from September, money gets really tight, my mum comes screeching out of her shell and then we spend the entire holiday on our own because we don't have any close and intimate people.  So this year we will do the bits we like but we will spread them over the whole month and not be dictated by certain dates, not be exhausted and skint after the big event and not be sitting there on January 2nd wondering what all the fuss was about :)


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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #4 on: January 02, 2014, 11:33:06 PM »
Exactly Two, I have decided if I can relax on Christmas or any other Holiday for that matter then I have won the battle.

It's a good time to rent movies far in advance, shop for groceries far in advance and then stay home and have a movie marathon or knit or read or whatever or knead some bread, try a new cookie recipe. Whatevers. Find something at a craft store and then finally do it.   :)    Get some brand new music and listen to it.  :)   

Next year you will be ready for it. I think of it as preparing for a power outage except you have electricity.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2014, 11:36:25 PM by Green Bean »


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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #5 on: January 03, 2014, 01:12:39 AM »
Random thought: painting canvas well takes a lot of skill and inspiration  :lol:


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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #6 on: January 03, 2014, 07:43:14 AM »
Random thought: painting canvas well takes a lot of skill and inspiration  :lol:

and about 5 years of doing what you described as "next year's Christmas plan"... too. OK, maybe longer than that total... some of my paper is 20+ years old! I dunno if I'm really up for doing some more pictures or not. I do know, it feels like I've "said all there is to say, there ain't no more" and I'm just "repeating myself"... at least in the "words" department. I still want to sew; need to get the materials out of the sewing room for the cushions I've wanted to make for years... and hubs still has his stuff all over the table I use. There have recently been some diplomatic breakthroughs in those negotiations... after all these years.

Pictures, for me - were for saying things that there weren't any words for. Or for saying things that one wouldn't ever - double dare - actually SAY OUT LOUD. Too taboo; too dangerous; too.... OH MY...

Funny thing. Inspiration = having a feeling that was like a burr under my saddle that I had to get out, but wouldn't go into words... and skill, was simply practice, editing, trying to "coin a phrase"... or expand my vocabulary.

Hubs and I both needed some extended "down time" - of being like our stereotype of "old people"... how they have their favorite chair or spot on the couch... and then create this little "nest" right around them: magazines, catalogs, computer, tissues, cuppa whatver... cat... blanket... after a couple years lounging by the pool, reading... drink in hand... playing "rockstar"... I couldn't sit there anymore. My body needed to move, bend, lift, dig... do something! LOL...

So the "project" lists are back in full force. Now, I think hubs and I are both trying to decode - and neutralize - the reflex to procrastination. I have an inner "inspiration" of what I can do, to make this place "ours", finally... I know where the issues (for us) are... and have multiple ideas on how to resolve them... and I've been sitting around so long, my hips and butt hurt!!!!!   ;)

NO MORE SITTING ON BUTT, BULL.... LOL... OK, that's my ONLY resolution.

Neither one of us had ever had a chance to truly be lazy -- moments were "stolen" from the things we were SUPPOSED to be doing, instead. Life never really gave us a chance to do that on an extended basis. I've put my eyes & brain to work... learning things, keep the ole brain gears working... reading... so, while I have a new "hobby" - target shooting; I'm also getting my seed order ready, the raised beds are coming along, I really do want to get some sewing done (and since "summer" is brutally hot - I have 2 seasons to want to "hide in the house")... Hubs is now the Yacht Club treasurer... one of the busiest positions on the board. And the position that gets to meet everyone, talk to everyone... which is right up his alley: he's Mr. Schmooze-a-Lot. (And that's about all the "purpose in life" he requires, too!)

And I am still the Master De-Clutterer... and hubs is FINALLY getting with the program, in that area... even though he is STILL the "root cause" of the clutter. We have a kind of detente, atm. Mutually Assured Weapons of Mass Frustration...

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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #7 on: January 03, 2014, 08:09:20 AM »
Here's a little support for the New Year.

(It's a nice blog to subscribe to, too.)

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Happy Blank Canvas Day! :)
« Reply #8 on: January 05, 2014, 07:18:43 AM »
Brilliant, Hops! Thanks very much!

That article sums it all up. (I think there's probably more involved with how the brain gets in the way... but why complicate things?)
Hubs and I (unknown to us, until I read the link...) have kind of stumbled into the same idea... at HIS suggestion.

One other thing I do, have been doing a LOOOONNNGGGG time: is "insist" that I can't do X, until Y is completely done first. Simple example: I can't go play with paint or fabric, until the house is clean - not just that immediate space; the WHOLE house. uh-huh... anything anyone sees in that, is most likely valid and accurate, at least to some degree.

Somewhere past in the annals of "old posts", I talked about this alot. "Conditional thinking"... almost, "ultimatum thinking", even. How I sabotage myself from the get-go, by biting off way more than I can chew... and then, overwhelming myself... then, avoiding....

Just another of the dumb things we get comfortable doing, that limits ourselves I guess. Somewhere else, (completely unrelated topic too) I read something simple that hit me like a ton of bricks: without risk, there can be no creativity...

oh. hello. the other end of the stick that I beat myself with... LOL.
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