Random thought: painting canvas well takes a lot of skill and inspiration 
and about 5 years of doing what you described as "next year's Christmas plan"... too. OK, maybe longer than that total... some of my paper is 20+ years old! I dunno if I'm really up for doing some more pictures or not. I do know, it feels like I've "said all there is to say, there ain't no more" and I'm just "repeating myself"... at least in the "words" department. I still want to sew; need to get the materials out of the sewing room for the cushions I've wanted to make for years... and hubs still has his stuff all over the table I use. There have recently been some diplomatic breakthroughs in those negotiations... after all these years.
Pictures, for me - were for saying things that there weren't any words for. Or for saying things that one wouldn't ever - double dare - actually SAY OUT LOUD. Too taboo; too dangerous; too.... OH MY...
Funny thing. Inspiration = having a feeling that was like a burr under my saddle that I had to get out, but wouldn't go into words... and skill, was simply practice, editing, trying to "coin a phrase"... or expand my vocabulary.
Hubs and I both needed some extended "down time" - of being like our stereotype of "old people"... how they have their favorite chair or spot on the couch... and then create this little "nest" right around them: magazines, catalogs, computer, tissues, cuppa whatver... cat... blanket... after a couple years lounging by the pool, reading... drink in hand... playing "rockstar"... I couldn't sit there anymore. My body needed to move, bend, lift, dig... do something! LOL...
So the "project" lists are back in full force. Now, I think hubs and I are both trying to decode - and neutralize - the reflex to procrastination. I have an inner "inspiration" of what I can do, to make this place "ours", finally... I know where the issues (for us) are... and have multiple ideas on how to resolve them... and I've been sitting around so long, my hips and butt hurt!!!!!

NO MORE SITTING ON BUTT, BULL.... LOL... OK, that's my ONLY resolution.
Neither one of us had ever had a chance to truly be lazy -- moments were "stolen" from the things we were SUPPOSED to be doing, instead. Life never really gave us a chance to do that on an extended basis. I've put my eyes & brain to work... learning things, keep the ole brain gears working... reading... so, while I have a new "hobby" - target shooting; I'm also getting my seed order ready, the raised beds are coming along, I really do want to get some sewing done (and since "summer" is brutally hot - I have 2 seasons to want to "hide in the house")... Hubs is now the Yacht Club treasurer... one of the busiest positions on the board. And the position that gets to meet everyone, talk to everyone... which is right up his alley: he's Mr. Schmooze-a-Lot. (And that's about all the "purpose in life" he requires, too!)
And I am still the Master De-Clutterer... and hubs is FINALLY getting with the program, in that area... even though he is STILL the "root cause" of the clutter. We have a kind of detente, atm. Mutually Assured Weapons of Mass Frustration...