Author Topic: Sigh  (Read 7269 times)


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Re: Sigh
« Reply #30 on: January 15, 2014, 02:14:16 AM »

My hope is that your mum won't be able to hide behind her lies and manipulations when this goes to court.....

as Mud always said....

"It's hard for the pd's to hide in the harsh light of a courtroom."

You've done all you can do, and I pray it's enough to bring you peace.

I think just knowing I've done all I could will be enough, Lighter, whatever the outcome.  One thing I have realised is that I'm strong and however this pans out now (and whatever happens in the future) I've got enough in me to deal with it.  The thing that really keeps me going is that my boy is having such a nice life :)  I've given him the childhood I never had, and now he's heading towards his teenage years he's happy, healthy and safe.  They're all things I couldn't have said about myself at that age.  However hard she tried, she couldn't stop me giving him that.  I keep getting an overwhelming urge to go round there and put a card through her door saying 'Bollocks to you' :)  I won't, of course, but however much work and heartache she tried to create she didn't beat me down.  She made me stronger and in a funny way I think she's made me happier, because I've had to focus on what good I wanted to have in my life in order to get away from the bad stuff, if that makes sense?  Either way, I feel like getting a T shirt that says 'Winner' on the front :)


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Re: Sigh
« Reply #31 on: January 15, 2014, 09:02:27 AM »
Just seen that I managed to put my response in with the quote, it was obviously a bit too early to be posting :)

Anyway, little steps!  Have had an email from the DV group; they said they feel it comes under the category of domestic abuse and that they should be able to help and have asked me to call them.  A little glint of light in the right place. 


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Re: Sigh
« Reply #32 on: January 15, 2014, 01:56:24 PM »
Just seen that I managed to put my response in with the quote, it was obviously a bit too early to be posting :)

Anyway, little steps!  Have had an email from the DV group; they said they feel it comes under the category of domestic abuse and that they should be able to help and have asked me to call them.  A little glint of light in the right place. 

You sound good, and I'm looking forward to what the dv folks have to say. 

Having just read on article on proving dv, and alienation, it's difficult, but possible.

It all comes down to documentation, and the willingness to stand up to the unrelenting bully, IMO.

If we keep giving them things for their efforts, and allowing them to harm us without any consequences, then we're inviting more of the same, IME>

It's not fair to ask us to do that to ourselves, when doing nothing can drive you crazy. 

The act of being proactive makes it possible to feel empowered, and less helpless, which is necessary for good mental health, esp if we have to continue fielding attacks, IME.

That'swhatyou'redoing, Tupp.

It's what we;re both doing.



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Re: Sigh
« Reply #33 on: January 15, 2014, 07:56:40 PM »
Be great for you to talk to that group, Tupp.
I'm glad you have a 3-D resource for support with this.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Sigh
« Reply #34 on: January 16, 2014, 10:41:46 AM »
Thank you both.

Have had a response from the charity re my complaint; completely different response to the one I'd had via email earlier, giving me contradictory information, highly unlikely it was closed down by my mum etc etc, very different from the info they gave me before Christmas, I can complain further of course but I'm just so tired of these paperwork trails and of this need by so many to cover their own arses.  If there's no chance it was her why did they offer to reinstate the payments (they're now saying it was cancelled because it wasn't being used often enough.  I need to check that with the person doing the invoicing but as far as I'm aware they were being invoiced regularly).  So if it was my fault it was cancelled why did they offer to reinstate it?

Discrepancies, discrepancies, discrepancies.  Off out for a long walk with a friend in a minute, need to calm down and walk things off a bit.