hi All,
Has anyone here been treated for carpal tunnel syndrome? What better place to ask others for personal experiences?
When I took myself to hospital when I arms had gone numb, about last June, I might have mentioned this, --
In Emergency a guy was inserting the IV in my wrist and the needle hit something, a bone, a tendon, a nerve, but I had to let my wrist hang/dangle to get through the night and was sent home at 7:00 with no answers. Nevertheless when the IV was being removed, I saw the plastic ‘sleeve’ that remains after the needle is removed and it was ^^^^^^^^, as in crinkled.
That wrist has constantly bothered me, and has became worse now on Prednisone for about 6 months. While in hospital this time, I was sent to a Dr. C. who tested me and the results told him that I had CTS. He then explained the surgery procedure. Meanwhile I am wearing a tensor bandage around my wrist and it relieves, somewhat, the numb and tingling sensation that has ended up in my thumb, forefinger, middle finger and part of ring finger……… after all these years on computer?
I say I don’t have CTS, per se, (my own Dr. agrees) but that there was nerve damage from the needle job, yet resembles CTS.
Any ideas?