Author Topic: Work woes  (Read 7881 times)


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #30 on: March 14, 2014, 08:19:44 AM »
Sure does improve my day, Boat! I'm very glad to hear it. Feel more oxygen in the room immediately.
What bugs me, though, is that this aggressive offensive guy gets fired only when he offends a CU$TOMER.
Never mind the humanity and dignity of the women he worked beside...

Same way almost everywhere, unfortunately.

Thanks, TT...I read that book many years ago and should check it out again. Good idea.
I'm not sure I can drastically change my communication but I can work on my control.

Lighter, I never believed my job was on the line or in immediate danger. But Pman was
publicly undermining my reputation with colleagues (which matters, in my ability to get my work done)
as well as showing uninhibited hostility. Nboss lets it go on partly because he is deeply confused and
ineffectual (ordinary standards of professional boundaries don't exist in his head because he spent
20 years isolated in an ashram where the guru played exploitative mindgames just as Nboss is doing).
On another level, there are energies/attractions involved in the bond between Nboss and Pman that
a woman (given the contempt they both have for women....Pman's overt, Nboss' more covert though
painfully obvious to me) can't compete against. And I think on the third level, despite its effect on
morale and (my) productivity, it's stimulating/almost entertaining for Nboss. He professes to be
tired of it but it's hard to believe. At tmes I've thought he got some vicarious pleasure from Pman's
bullying of though he offloaded onto Pman his own secret desire to humiliate women.

As to the adrenalin and self-control, I'm sure I'll never be able to NOT react, I'm just not wired
that way, but getting my reactions under much tighter control is important to me. Just for my
own satisfaction. I'm pretty well past the point of caring what Nboss thinks (and pretty sure
he'd never fire me). He and Pman together could make my older-worker years pretty miserable,
but I know if Gman becomes CEO, all will be well. (And if he doesn't my other ally and I are
going to try to talk Gman into leaving with us, and the three of us form our own company.)
That's not wise or realistic right now, but a fine fantasy.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

sea storm

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Re: Work woes
« Reply #31 on: March 14, 2014, 05:12:03 PM »
There is no use being reactive in such a place. I look back at my crazy job where there were similar dynamics, the boss was creating a ver competitive and dysfunctional team where no one could feel safe and valued and they ganged up on the targeted person. There were favourites who were pandering after his approval and they got all the recognition although they actually were pretty underfunctioning.
I am saying keep your head down and keep low in the trenches. Anything to keep your blood pressure down.
It amazes me that you have the resilience to see a way out by forming a company. This is not such a bad idea. IF this guy did it you can too. I hope I am not adding to your burden by saying this.
These situations don't get better and the roots of the problem are found in narcissism and personality disorders.Get a little cluster of these people together and they raise havoc with a healthy person  You are a healthy person and narcissist just HAVE to destroy goodness.
There is no doubt that you are right about the situation. So how does one survive such places.

Now I would rather sell doughnuts at tim hortons.  It nearly killed me and I am a very healthy specimen and I was born courageous. I think you are like that too. But everyone has their breaking point.  It can just come out of the blue. So somehow take care of yourself and don't let it get to you. If you have to be a turtle and go in your shell then so be it. This is another narcissistic playground.

It sounds like you have at least one ally there and that helps so much. Your story is helping me to understand the sick work environment. It was impossible for me not to take it personally because it was such a continual onslaught. Working in a place where not only are you not supported but you have to endure contempt is so awful. I felt I had to stay because my partner wasn't working, we would lose our house, my pension would be less.  I was wrong.   My health went downhill and I had always counted on my health and taken it for granted. Continual stress was very bad for my health. My pancreas got sick. I had never even thought about the pancreas or gallbladder or knees going.  They all went. It has taken years to recover.  I had a narcissistic partner who was waiting for a consulting job and a narcissistic sadistic boss. Oh oh.  You just know it isn't going to work. You can't push the plough uphill for too long.

This is probably not what you want to hear. You are worth so much more than what you are getting.

Lots of love,
Sea storm


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #32 on: March 14, 2014, 05:28:05 PM »

Leaving, and forming your own company with the 2 allies, isn't feasible now......

but I got chills just thinking about it.

Wouldn't it be grand to have an upbeat work environment, where everyone gets along, supports one another, and makes as much money, or more, than they did in the Nvironment?

Wouldn't it be great if your company came along,and kicked the snot out of your old company, with Pman at the helm?

BTW< your dog has his own dog bed in your office in that daydream; )


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #33 on: March 15, 2014, 12:37:38 PM »
Thanks, TT. I had a surprisingly wonderful day Friday because I worked with my two
great colleagues...we're so on the same page. We had outside vendors making presentations
to us for several days that I was fascinated by and that helped me feel re-engaged. I realized
that one issue for me, partly ADD and partly just my that for me, boredom is a threat
I have to be careful about.

I need a lot of intellectual stimulation to keep motivated, and Nboss is frankly not bright
enough to hook me into his games. He fundamentally bores me. Once you learn the deep
details of NPD and know what's going on, the emptiness of that kind of mind just is, when
not in active destructive mode, just...really, really BORING. (His dance with Pman is partly
that the two of them are similar--shrewd and smart in some ways, but so bent and empty
in others--and I think you're right. It's partly two peacocks just playing with their powers.
On the other hand there is obvious psycho-sexual stuff between the two of them. Whether
they've ever acted on it or not isn't interesting to me. But Nboss' closeted sexuality really
does have a big impact on everything. He is obsessed with gender issues (always bringing
me magazine images to make remarks about the appearance or gender identity of a person
in a photograph). At a staff meeting, to show his sense of humour, he dressed in drag and
was profoundly convincing in the part. Nothing camp about it. And he was exhilarated and
excited about it for days. I could go on...but I don't care.

I feel sorry for him because I believe if the world (and his own mindset) allowed authenticity,
he could be a happy, pleasant...whatever. Doesn't matter one bit to me who he is internally.
I am extremely accepting of everybody's personal right to a private or public identity of
any kind. But because he's so twisted up from his background, he'll never be able to
reintegrate all the parts of himself, so he does slicing destructive things now and then
to others...(I got elected as the woman, the mother, the whatever) to offload the disowned
parts of himself.

Ick. I'm BORED with analysing and understanding him, too. So having a refreshingly
engaged and creating-something few days with my good colleagues was really fun.

I've comforted myself in recent weeks with watching a series called Damages, on Netflix.
The females are not perfect (the Glenn Close character is very morally compromised). But
what has been comforting or at least bracing, has been absorbing some of their power.
A delight to watch stories in which gender is irrelevant, and powerful women make
things happen. (Though they're creepy and I wouldn't befriend them in real life!)

Sounds silly, but it's been putting starch back in my spine. I think fantasy helps,
and ultimately, that's what writing is. Time for me to write write write...a memoir
or novel that draws on all this rich experience.

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #34 on: March 15, 2014, 03:35:45 PM »
H:  "Ick. I'm BORED with analysing and understanding him, too. So having a refreshingly
engaged and creating-something few days with my good colleagues was really fun."....

This is how they get power out of it... (I think)... is that your mind gets focused on him.

 >>>>>>  .  <<<<<<<<<

mind >>>>>>> pman <<<<<<< mind


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #35 on: March 15, 2014, 08:21:34 PM »

I'm picturing something between an I LOVE LUCY version of you, seated at an old fashioned typewriter, pencill gripped between your teeth, and....

the bubby making witch from the Witches Of Eastwick.

::stepping back to admire the blend::


In any case, I'd be thrilled to read you're actually tackling the writing project, faithful companion by your side.


sea storm

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Re: Work woes
« Reply #36 on: March 15, 2014, 08:53:12 PM »
Wow Hops!  What a change in attitude you have.  Seeing it in other modes that are laughable seems like a major triumph.

I think you actually love working in a team if it is a healthy team.  Mr Madhatter the boss is just dying to feel that way but can't and does a really bizarre imitation of it.  >>>>> He dressed in DRAG???????????????  And no one else dressed up????? This is very interesting and thought provoking. Nice of you to mention that you didn't hold it against him in any way.

I was thinking of costumes that you might wear to a staff meeting. You could go as the dominatrix bad witch lady  that he fantasizes you are, or a big pink bunny.  Then the whole conversation would be quite different.This is in the realm of psycho drama which is very effective but hardly anyone is willing to do.

Glad you are having some respite from the continual contempt and uncreativity of the boring one.
It is totally ok for you to vent though. It is a difficult situation and we can't always run.

All the best to you and remember what Hopilong would do.  I don't know but I think I will find out.  He would say "Hi Ho Tonto and then what......."

Sea Storm


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #37 on: March 25, 2014, 09:59:34 PM »
Work stuff, : I have asthma, a manager where I work burns potpourri, I made a general statement to the HR person because it was brought up during training... about broadcasting an email reminding people about perfumey/aftershave stuff... got a really snotty and rude response back from the HR person that she then apologized for in an even worse way. I should write it down verbatim here. Anyhow, I went out and bought a citrus spray, citrus oil and alcohol that doesn't really aggravate my asthma as much as the chemical junk. Gave it to the manager who has the potpourri, (5 cans of it) she said she was going to keep one for herself as if it was some kind of gift and then distribute the rest in the office.... Well.. She didn't stop using the potpourri so today I sent her an email asking her point blank to stop.... that I purchased the other stuff hoping it could be used instead of other chemical air fresheners... WTF?. We all feel like we could get fired for the stupidest smallest things.

When I put it into perspective though... If somebody with a medical condition that I worked with needed me to make a minor change then I would. So it dumbfounds me that this is even a problem. Anyways that is my workplace stupidity..

« Last Edit: March 25, 2014, 10:01:35 PM by Garbanzo »


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Re: Work woes
« Reply #38 on: April 30, 2014, 09:44:57 PM »
Got called into the vice-president's office of my company...  ugghhhh that was an unexpected event.. like BAM.... felt like I was going into the principle's office. We are so compartmentalized where we work that I have never been into that part of the building before.

They had done that company survey / elicited responses. I responded saying that I wish they would be more aware of the amount of perfume Lysol.. sprays potpourri that people are using.. and put into the air because we work "out on a floor"... like one huge room all of us together no offices whatever people put into the air I have to breathe..

I feel like if I am called into the president's office personally like I am a problem person.

This guy has never talked to me before. He also asked me how long I have worked there... so I think that maybe he thinks I have been there too long LOL ... or maybe he just wants to know if I have been there a substantial amount of time.