Awww Bear. I'm afloating in the same boat - off & on. (You'll remember me as PR, perhaps.)
First, let me say you haven't "failed". Even though it might feel like a win-lose proposition. What Hops called delusion, I'm going to rephrase as "wishful thinking". Those of us with moms like "that", still cherish that small hope that perhaps by fixing ourselves "enough"... growing "enough"... becoming "strong enough"... that we can find a way to finally establish a relationship with that mom, no matter how meager the actual facts of the relationship. We hope that those "moms" - over time - see what they've denied both of us and at least regret it; apologies aren't really necessary as long as change happens. It's not a rational choice. It's an emotional one - based on the fact that we can love and want to - and that's plain old "human".
What GS said:
Had I known what I now know, I would have cut my ties with my family when I left for college and never looked back.
I did that. My mom mentions that all the time - like it's the crowning achievement of my life. I always think: WHY do you think I left & never looked back??? I just never say it. No point. She's getting up there in years and of course her health is declining - and we've been playing the "telephone game" again. She is fishing for me to come parent her and thinks she's set the hook. Except I don't want to. She's trying to imply that she might die before "she gets to see me again". Ayyyup. And that comes with the whole toxic bag of feelings: primarily guilt.
I should've forgiven her more; I should've tried harder; I should've been more tolerant... all Stockholm Syndrome kinds of reactions. Hell, I just wanted her to be a human with normal maternal feelings toward me. All the reading I did about "Attachment Theory" - seemed to focus on the child in that relationship. I'm thinking these days, that while one probably has a greater chance of success - helping the child-adult child feel whole - putting the focus on the parent instead, just might open up a whole new way to "work through" things.
Why is the parent with holding that relationship, denying their responsibility for things that "went wrong" in the relationship? Do they BLAME the child for something? What are their limitations as a person and how whole, or human are they? How healthy? And do they have any desire for any reason to learn to be different? Then... they need to learn x, y, and z... and try a little bit from THEIR side of the relationship. Old dogs learn new tricks all the time.
For starters: drop the emotional blackmail. A healthy relationship, that is based on mutual trust doesn't dangle the object of our wishful thinking in front of us... and then insist we accept THEM, as they are, warts and all... and adjust ourselves to that. Meet me half way, after a 1/2 century of shutting me out. That's a fair offer. It's hard work and it takes both parties being willing to work at it, or you're just wasting time. With my mom, I feel as though she's blowing her last chance. She STILL doesn't get it. I don't hate her - she is my mom; but at the same time I have absolutely no basis, no memories; no point in my life that I can relate where we bonded; I felt accepted and loved; where I was seen as a separate human being from her with my own quirks and warts, and that could be just fine. She's always insisting I'm just like her; even now. She's someone I've known for a very long time, but I'm not real close to. End of description.
And it's not all my fault. Therefore it's not all my job to fix it.
Every time the phone rings, I hope... this is the time it changes. Every time: it's not. At least she doesn't leave me messages anymore, saying: Why aren't you home? And bitterly answering her question with - I suppose you're travelling. (Which I don't do by the way -- that's HER wish.) It's odd; it used to be that she would call when I was already upset about something - insult to injury, you know? Like she had ESP... and no matter what, I had to pick up and listen to HER tale of woe (which hasn't changed in 50 years). But now I'm just out running errands... the mental telepathy link is broken... and I'm not taking her bait either. That's an acceptable level of "freedom" for me.
I think (one can only guess) that when she dies, I'll be sad that she didn't really live a full and fulfilling life. That we weren't close; because she has no idea what that is. And then I'll be relieved that I no longer have to pretend that I'm holding up my end of a non-existant relationship.