Author Topic: How are things up the Khyber?  (Read 1753 times)


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How are things up the Khyber?
« on: December 20, 2014, 11:47:46 AM »
Hi Sea Storm,

I was just reading one of the posts you wrote me about my dilemmas and it was as profound and wise and empowering as I remembered. Even moreso.
Like going to a cabinet and finding I had one of the most amazingly delicious and nourishing foods already here, when I was hungry and hadn't shopped.

Lame image, but thank you again for it.

And last I heard you were one EXHAUSTED woman, after you got through the move.

How are you now? I hope you're okay.

Thinking of you, with love,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

sea storm

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Re: How are things up the Khyber?
« Reply #1 on: December 27, 2014, 03:21:59 AM »
Hi Hops,

What a lovely greeting from you!!

I am still tired. My daughter had a baby boy and I went out to help out with the three year old for a whole month. WOW little kids are so energetic and I am not.
Not sure what you found so helpful but I am sure glad I could help you. Thisi is a perilous ole world at times. You have helped my through my deepest sorrows and I will never forget that either.

I love my new old house built in 1948 and it still have the same cupboards: one bin for flour and one for sugar in 25 pound bags. The house is one year older than me.
Christmas is over and my motto was accept accept accept. My daughter came for four days with 2 grandchildren and husband and then my sister came for two nights. I was like a driven maniac trying to make everything nice for them. I don't know if I have a head injury or what but it seemed that it was impossible to keep them all happy. Everyone has different food allergies and preferences. The food i bought was traditional and all wrong. My son in law was shocked to find mouse droppings behind my machine. I actually said to him| Oh well there used to be a mouse but I got rid of it so those are old dropping. Personally, a few mouse droppings here or there are nothing to me. To someone from a higher class it is a big deal. This is just a little vignette about how completely insane Christmas is. I think this was my last gasp Christmas as a hostess.  It was ok as I did not take any bait whatsoever. Not sure this disengagement is being a good buddhist or unplugging for survival.

One good thing is that I can stand my own company now. |That is so great. Loneldness does not cause me to do such self destructiive things. I am writing about my past and pulling together the things I wrote a while ago. It seems old and incomplete but it triggers experiences that help me reform them.

How are you??????? 

Lots and lots of love and good wishes

Sea storm