Author Topic: working with affirmations  (Read 1932 times)


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working with affirmations
« on: June 10, 2015, 02:37:27 PM »
This is a really good article on affirmations, imo.
Only place I depart from it is religious assumptions in one section but overall I think it's really good.

Anybody using affirmations with any regularity? What do you experience as a result?

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Re: working with affirmations
« Reply #1 on: June 11, 2015, 02:17:55 PM »
Hops, how funny that you posted this today!

I have used affirmations, on and off, for about fourteen years now.  I first read about them in one of Louise Hay's books and they crop up in all sorts of other things I've read over the years.  In all honesty I had never felt they really did much to help.  There would be the odd thing that would happen but it wasn't frequent enough to feel like anything more than a coincidence and generally speaking I always felt like I was being dragged down some how, and that affirmations didn't really do much to shift that.

But about a month ago I went to see a lady who is a spiritual healer.  She used crystals, meditation and chanting, and we sat and wrote a list of affirmations for me to use at home.  I did it, expecting not very much from them, but I do feel different and we have had some really amazing strokes of luck recently.  My son got the funding he needed for his bike, I was refunded some money that the company kept insisting they didn't owe me, I made a complaint about a minor matter with another company and they gave me compensation that was far in excess of what I had expected (it was a minor matter and I just asked them to reimburse the bank charges I incurred due to an error on their part and they've given me that plus a sum for upset and stress!).  So they do seem to have had a beneficial effect more recently (or something has, anyway!).

I will have a good read through of that article you've posted later on.  I've just looked through some posts and seen some of the replies I've made recently aren't there so I'm not sure why that's happened, I will have to go back and rewrite them a bit later :)


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Re: working with affirmations
« Reply #2 on: June 11, 2015, 09:37:26 PM »
Huh! Isn't that amazing...
Funny how different things mesh with different people.
I would run fast away from crystals etc...esp. anything "spiritual leader-ish."
I am SOOOOOOOOOO determined not to be "led"! (Legacy of a fundamentalist, toxic strain in my family.)

For me, it doesn't feel as though affirmations not as having power to call in changes outside myself, like raining money or anything. I've never been at ease with the idea that one's intention can call external things into being.

But I certainly do think that positive thoughts affect the body and in time can help reprogram negative thoughts that are toxic to mental and physical health.

To me, affirmations are more a form of self-hypnosis. Since hypnosis dramatically saved my life in one session (I kid you not--it was for smoking cessation years ago after legions of desperate, desperate failures)--I'm very favorably inclined to the idea of intentionally reprogramming the subconscious. I think affirmations are a level up, more about reprogramming the conscious mind.

As they say though, whatever is positive for you is very likely the exact tool you should practice with. I'm so glad you've found something helpful!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."