"I haven't figured out why my post seemed so unlike me. If memory serves me right, it is pretty common for members to apologize for butting in, changing the subject on threads etc. Maybe I never did any of that? I don't know. I would be interested to learn why what and how I said it seemed so out of place for me. You wouldn't be thinking that I've turned itelligent (emotional and otherwise), empathetic, caring, open, authentic, free from dogma, etc., etc.,. Aw, go on surprise me! LOL"
Hi tt,
As I said, my big concern about your post was that, knowing you for so many years, it didn’t seem like your “voice.” The particular words from “butt in” on to the end of that sentence were not ones that I could imagine you writing. Your writing and word choice have always been elegant, your sentences beautifully phrased—almost like pieces of art! Of course I know you’re intelligent! That's why I worried...
"There is no question in my mind that there are different “kinds” of people. I believe that's normal for humanity. I believe they should have the freedom to seek out one another. However, it seems clear to me that the current polilitical flotsom largely made up of power types of many varities, who would and in many cases are delighting in persecuting those who wish to practice the five freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution. In the case of this conversation it's about freedom #2. It appears that you're practicing it unabashed and with gusto! Bravo! It was pointed out to me that what we've discussed would qualify as a thought crime as outlined in 1984 by Orwell and which was common in the 20th century under various dictators. I'm sure there were others in other centuries where it was the same. It is true, there is nothing new under the sun."
Thanks, tt! I've always practiced freedom of speech "unabashed and with gusto." This web site is but one example. My views have gotten me into a lot of trouble my whole life, but I wouldn't/couldn't have lived life any other way--and my beliefs/speech/thoughts/writing have led to extraordinary attachments to many dear people of many different "kinds!" For me, as I've said, these attachments are most important of all.
But please let us know, as lighter writes above: How are you feeling?