Distracted nemesis...I like that, Boat.
Then again, a severe N really never stops plotting, do they? The upshot is, he fired me last week. I subconsciously brought it on myself.
He had two "charges" against me. One is that I "don't get along with all members of the team." (He failed to say that the one person I didn't have a warm collegial productive relationship with was his 23 y/o son, who came in with no skills for half his duties and began demanding authority and ran complaining to his Daddy every time I balked. His son doesn't like women either. I did balk. It was visible. My bad.)
The other was my subconscious thing...people use Chat all the time to vent and to cope in that hothouse, and I was no exception. One day I wrote a snarky, pointed comment about Nboss ("fake personality, fake enthusiasm--Mega ugh," etc.) to my closest workmate. Looked down a moment later and realized I'd sent it TO NBOSS.
Uh-oh. It was like that moment when I challenged my brother--stating directly to him about his lack of helping me with taking care of our parents: "Where have you been the last 15 years?". In that moment I saw my brother change from merely a scary N to a Destroyer. And though Nboss is more subtle than that, I should've realized it was all over in that second. You just do NOT challenge or say something that punctures an N's self-image...and in that remark about "fake" (which is the whole story about mini-guru Nboss) I punctured his myth. I tried to make amends very sincerely and he played warm and fuzzy and forgiving for a couple weeks but (as I should've realized) of course it wasn't over.
Anyway, my coworkers were extremely upset (new CEO, who battled for me but couldn't prevail, Nboss owns 51%) and hugely supportive. Tears and hugs. Tomorrow I'm going to lunch at the home of my closest workmate and new CEO and I are getting together next week. We'll remain friends.
The one satisfying bit was at the end of the meeting. I asked, may I speak? (And since CEO was there, Nboss couldn't very well pretend I had no right to). And for about 10-15 minutes, I calmly told him everything I'd observed about him over the years, detailing his cruelty and manipulation. I said it was true I had some resentment, based on X incident and X devaluing and X belittlement and X sexism and X bullying, etc. And ended by saying how clear it was that any confident, assertive woman with education, broad experience and skills was an enormous, uppity threat to the way he sees the world. I ended by saying I've had many bosses, good and bad, in my long career, and that he is the single most toxic person I have ever worked for.
He said, "I disagree." And I said, "Of course you do." He was white in the face. And that was that. I felt calm, didn't shed a tear, and left with dignity intact. CEO and I went for a walk (and he hugged me and told me Nboss is unstable, irrational and capricious, and I literally am not replaceable--he's horrified) and as we returned Nboss passed us on the sidewalk. He looked at me with absolute pure HATRED. I wasn't rattled but it was the most naked hatred I've ever seen on another human's face.
Despite my missteps, it seems it was pretty obvious to everyone else that the punishment didn't fit the crime. (My first response was to tell him this is vicious, vindictive and vengeful. It's emotion and ego-driven, it's not rational. And it's not good for the company. But there was no point. I wasn't interested in pleading anyway. Didn't want to try.)
Within 5 minutes going down the road I began feeling changed. I am going to be okay. I have friends, an emergency fund for a few months. In four years I'll be 70 and can survive on social security. I will find something. No despairing, I am feeling determined, not helpless.
One more thing. I immediately emailed his chief competitor, who loathes Nboss (Nboss stole his design, and others in the industry know he's a fraud). Just mentioned I'd parted ways with the company and was interested in other opportunities in the niche I have such deep knowledge about. He wrote me back instantly: "I am absolutely interested in talking to you." We're supposed to talk this weekend. Who knows? I may get a better job, or a consulting gig, or something.
Or I may wind up with some very simple job in a great spot with a nice boss (or just a non-N boss) at half the pay and be happy and at peace. As long as I can hang on to my house, I can adapt to a very frugal life without losing joy.
One step at a time. He offered me a pittance severance agreement --3 months salary after 9 years--that would include renouncing my unemployment benefits (companies hate paying those as their rates go up) AND being muzzled from ever saying anything negative about the company. I have a few weeks to decide whether to sign it. I have choices:
--If I land a big gig before the deadline (pie in sky so far), just walk away. Don't sign a thing.
--File for unemployment anyway and let HIM fight it (he can, as he wrote me up and though it was totally distorted, he does have a paper trail that might justify "for cause.") That said, he is an enraged N with a successful company, so he'd think nothing of spending incredible $$ on lawyers to defeat me. I'm not up for that, but I do have a msg out to a well-recommended employment attorney to get a realistic assessment of my chances. I've heard it said that short of hitting somebody, it's pretty hard for companies to just refuse to pay unemployement benefits. I'll simply follow the attorney's advice, I'm not interested in a long drama.
--Through my own attorney, counter-offer that I'll sign it for a year's salary. (Even then, nothing prevents me from going to work for a competitor.) That would pay off my mortgage and leave me in much better shape.
Meanwhile, I'm breathing. Slowly catching on that in spite of the challenges of financial and old-age uncertainty, I am free.