Hey G... why do we have to (always) put a name to how we are? what we feel? does giving it a name make us feel more in control of it? make it lift away to leave.... what?.... behind?
Why not, once in a while, just feel the way we feel... and be "in the feeling"... and not outside it, trying to measure it, define & analyze it, until we can finally pin that butterfly to a board? Just for something different, you understand. If that is too freaky or weird or useless, a person can always go back to the "usual". It has helped down here, for me to give myself permission to have a day like that. To just drift from feeling to feeling - feeling it - and not recording it, x-raying it, or anything. I prepare for a day like this by making sure I have food I like to eat, something to read/watch - movies are still best for me - my favorite lounge clothes and fuzzy slippers... then I promise myself to let both phones go to voicemail... and just be a slug.
I haven't done the bubble bath thing yet. The last few times I tried that, I felt silly. Like, who would enjoy this and find it relaxing? Same with standing meditation or tai chi; instead of helping it just adds self-conscious embarassment as one more thing swirling around in the feeling symphony. I honestly don't know how that feeling is attached to these things (and some others) and maybe I could play detective and follow the clues until I found the origin of this association... but who's got time for that?! LOL...
So, I've pretty much decided those feelings are associated with old tapes in my head and well, tapes are obsolete now. They were always a mess anyway when they'd catch on something and become tangled knots of coated cellophane. I think I'm going to try just deciding to tell those old tapes to piss off, and send them flying back first-class on a hypersonic, warp-speed rocket into the past... and JUST TRY SOMETHING DIFFERENT. Intentionally. Because the old crap just doesn't work for me anymore.
And if that doesn't feel any better... I'm sure the old crap will jump right up and announce "told ya so".