All of my dreams are dark. Each reflects my struggles with rejection.
Last night I had several that I remembered. One was a bit crazy - I was at the airport, getting ready to board. My son was with me but he was staying. We got to the gate and there was a new automated system but no human around to explain or help. I wanted to check in to get a decent seat assignment but not board so I could spend the last minutes with my child. The machine had a little conveyor belt which swallowed up baggage but you had to stand on it to put your board pass through. People behind were impatient, the machine wouldn't take my pass unless I stood on the conveyor belt but if I did that I would not be able to get out. When I looked back my son had disappeared. It was all so maddening and no one would help me.
The feeling evoked by this dream is the feeling I walk through daily life with. With concentration and attention I can shift into a more positive mindset. I do this over and over every day. It is helping me do small things, follow through where I have been retreating. I have one of those needs to follow through as I sit here.and I finally know how to get it done. But I need, long for, that to be my default. This dark place, fear, sense of for doing, failure, rejection on the horizon feeling is taking a toll.
I will take what I have for now and try to grow the hope and more,positive mind state.