Dear message board,
I'm going to take my leave. I see that this board is an important and valuable place for you all. My experience here has not been great. I suppose it doesn't matter much why. There's a lot of insight and warmth and understanding. Some of you have really made me feel understood. But I've started three topics, and every time someone pops up to tell me I'm doing it all wrong, I'm entitled, I'm violating someone's privacy, I'm acting out against my mother in some vindictive way. Usually chiming in with partial information and having displayed a misunderstanding of my initial post. Even a simple query about psychoanalysis (wondering if anyone here had done it) got a comment telling me that they, the commenter, thought they needed more time in therapy but that was only for extra attention and validation, and instead they learned to manage their therapy time better. Always, around every corner, it seems I encounter someone who has been in exactly my situation and dealt with it in some way that I'm too entitled/attention-seeking/disorganized/petty/selfish to come up with on my own. And it seems to me that the personal experience they are projecting onto me is not even relevant.
I express unhappiness and get a lot of people telling me how good everyone's intentions are--which feels to me like "Shut up, it's fine in here."
So maybe you think I'm wrong about all this, but it doesn't matter. That's how I feel, and I don't need another place to come and feel bad.
Anyhow, I wish you all well.