Just sharing a metaphor I used to summarize what its like for a person with Nist parents....
When you become an adult, you take responsibility for your own life, i.e being the driver of your own car. Your N-abusive parent is a very loud backseat driver who belittles and criticizes your every move. (They don't have to be "in the car" i.e "in your life at the present time", the internal critical voice of self doubt and shame is already there). They may comment negatively on how you drive, what you choose to buy, how much it costs, etc. Some will criticize and prophesize (you will kill yourself in that car, you can't afford that car, you don't deserve that car etc).
At some point, you are ready to dump this backseat driver, leave them at the side of the road, get on with your life, move forward. That is going NC. For some of us, the real Narcissists, dont allow us to move on, they show up and attempt to derail, sabotage, interfere, and undermine our lives. At every juncture we face, we can find ourselves in a place to go backwards or take a detour and pick up that backseat driver again.
I let her get back into my car, and I very much regret it. When I move on this time, I will not look back.

Have a great week everybody.