Thank you, Hops and Lighter, I started writing a reply yesterday but my internet connection dropped and all was lost!
I will read up on/try out the things you've suggested. Funnily enough I dug out a book yesterday that I read years ago and didn't get much from, it talks quite a bit about inner child work, visualisation, EFT, affirmations and so on. Skimming through it yesterday a lot of it makes more sense now so I think perhaps I just wasn't ready however many years back that I bought it.
I think partly I have trapped myself in victim mode as well; GS mentions resentment causing self sabotage in her thread and I found that really resonated with me. I think it might be partly to do with my family never acknowledging or validating what happened in the past but I can see now that I am just going to have to acknowledge and validate it myself and not keep waiting for someone else to do it for me.
A couple of people have got in touch over the last couple of days, my sister and another friend who I fell out with over my son's birthday. I did find myself torn; I felt sort of obliged to respond and make things right (my thinking being well they have got in touch, they are trying). But then another part of me thought, well, I don't really want to be around them anymore, even if they changed the way they do things I still don't really want to see them. And that made me realise that I do need to make choices about who I see and how I spend my time, not just go along with people because they've decided they want to.
The weekend is here so I am planning to try and have a fairly quiet, restful one at home, to eat well, try and relax, do some gardening and just try and get over this bump I am in - I think it is the bump of realisation! Yesterday was nice, I saw the doctor who has been lovely and very supportive and understanding, and someone came to do some work on the house and he was very sweet and kind. I am trying to focus on these good people; I spend too much time ruminating over bad things!
Lighter, postponing joy is very apt; I have a whole life in my mind that I am planning to do at some point in the future - I need to get on with it now. I think it comes back to perhaps punishing myself, I don't know? But there are things I really want to do and I never seem to have time, I need to work on that and try and change things. My boy is doing better now, thank you

We've seen a very good nutritionist and a big box of goodies arrived yesterday so I'm hoping this will help but he seems to be over the most recent hump as well. I do wonder how much we rub off on each other, for good or otherwise so I am trying to get him out of his comfort zone a bit, too.
Have a nice weekend everybody, I hope better times are coming for all of us xx