Author Topic: Lighter update  (Read 11644 times)


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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #60 on: June 02, 2016, 04:08:53 PM »
It just keeps getting better.

DD15's lead T was over the top with superlatives today regarding dd....

"DD15 looks amazing, IS AMAZING, so relaxed, so chill, so bright, so terrific, so AMAZING... she turned a corner last week."

Whoo hoo.  That phone call gave me wings today..... and one step better....

they've started addressing the deep early trauma issues that dd hasn't been able to focus on, and she's ready to move into and through it.  Yay.

We have a timeline for graduation, and plans for next phase...... Oh, I just couldn't feel better about today's conference.

Lighter: )


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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #61 on: June 02, 2016, 07:18:17 PM »
::sighing and reflecting::

I was reflecting on my increased energy, and lightness of being......

Recently I had an iron IV treatment that seems to have done amazing things for my energy after years of borderline anemia. 

If anyone's struggling with this, I recommend it highly.

A lot of people report dizziness and a couple days of feeling off, but I haven't had one bobble or lightheaded moment.



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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2016, 05:14:13 AM »
Well the Louvre opened again at some point so that will be today.  Later we go to scatter Friend's ashes at a lovely grotto like park.  I'm not sure how I feel about it.  Doesn't matter....her DIL is making decision.  I can always go my own way if it really bothers me but will likely be numb and shock y through it.

The park is one my friend frequented as a student at the Sorbonne.  Picture a young Doris Day and you'll  have it about right.  She had lots of friends she kept from high school and college....lucky in that way, though not in love. 

 I have two important conferences today.....along with this somber occasion.  It's  not going to be an easy breezy day in Paris, I'm afraid.  It's chilly overcast gray..... I've been up since very early and will be longing for quiet space too quickly I know.

Must figure out the time it's easy will be time to change cities. 

Life is easier on the extroverted.



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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2016, 06:44:47 AM »
Great news about your D, Lighter, and sending you courage and warmth to get through today.  It's grey and cold here, too, I'm only a couple of hours from the south coast of England so not a million miles from Paris!  Avoid the footballers, they're fighting and causing chaos, apparently.  Hold a quiet space in your mind when you need to retreat, I find hustle and bustle wears me out, too xx


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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2016, 10:13:33 AM »
I hope you have a chance to go sit in Notre Dame.
Just sit there, 30 minutes alone.

Despite agnosticism it affects me powerfully.

The Louvre does too.

Hope the sun comes out soon.

A bientot,
"That'll do, pig, that'll do."


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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #65 on: June 18, 2016, 08:29:19 PM »
The Louvre? Notre Dame? [Go Irish!]

The 24 hours of Le Mans is right now. Don't tell me you're in France in June and not going.



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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2016, 12:03:02 PM »
Well.... I've been inside Notre Dame many times, and the lines were uber long this time..... I just couldn't make myself stand in them.  I stared at them twice.  Instead I sat and prayed at the cathedral in Bayeux, so beautiful, and at Mont St Michel which still houses Monks.  I wish they would have chanted... or... something, but it was very peaceful, and prayer filled experience that left me feeling very light and happy.

That's one thing you can count on in Europe, beautiful cathedral after beautiful cathedral. 

About the foot ballers.... we landed in Paris the afternoon of opening games, and France was playing.  Judging from the noises in our apartment building, France won; )

I didn't see any cars set ablaze, or hooliganism, so I count myself lucky there.  I will say I went out of my way to avoid the cafes with singing, jersey wearing patrons, but I enjoyed walking past them, and feeling their energy.

We scattered my friend's ashes at her favorite park...... Fountain De Marie De Medicis, and honestly there couldn't have been a more lovely choice.

My favorite restaurants were still there, still wonderful, and very much a comfort.  I only missed one, and that was my fault, bc I didn't want to leave Pigal, where I was staying.  I walked and explored, and avoided public transport ending up in a local place with only French speaking patrons.  My waiter didn't like me much, but the bartender did, so my meal was outstanding.

I can say that I had one dreadful meal, my fault again for allowing friends to choose without an actual destination, outside a particular metro station in the latin quarter.  It's difficult to get a bad meal in Paris, IME, but OK bc my friends had a wonderful night, and i wouldn't have blemished it for the world.  Who pairs vinegar and cinnamon with Foi Gras?  I ask you... in all the world?  Who?  I think my waiter was in the back giggling as he doctored my food, but then he had to watch me let it sit, almost untouched all night.  I asked for white wine, he brought red.  He then brought white perfectly cold wine, and included a little bucket of ice (an insult in his opinion) and I just kept smiling.... he couldn't throw me.   

I wouldn't have changed anything, honestly.  Everyone got what they needed, including me.  I'd say it was another very good trip, and I'm glad to be home.



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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #67 on: June 20, 2016, 01:04:11 AM »
DD15 thriving in leadership position at camp, and getting ready to graduate soon.

I can't wait to see her. 

Love love love and miss her.



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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #68 on: June 20, 2016, 02:02:15 AM »
Lovely to read your news, Lighter, I'm glad the trip went well and you got to say goodbye to your friend and leave her where she loved to be.  Good to read DD is doing so well :) xx


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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #69 on: June 20, 2016, 08:20:00 AM »
Did you see me wave to you across the Channel?

I'm curious when you're going to be able to make you move, my dear?

Do you have an approx date set yet?



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Re: Lighter update
« Reply #70 on: June 20, 2016, 11:28:16 AM »
Did you see me wave to you across the Channel?

I'm curious when you're going to be able to make you move, my dear?

Do you have an approx date set yet?


Ah, Lighter, I waved in your general direction and sent smiley thoughts but it has rained here so much the last couple of weeks I could barely see past the end of the road :)  Lol

Moving plans are shifting and changing.  Van is reasonably travel friendly again now so we are going to go away in it for a fortnight in September and go on a touring holiday visiting friends and looking at colleges for my son.  Around the same sort of time we should get the results of his scan and tests (if the neurologist thinks he needs them) so I should have a better idea of his health care needs as well.  All being well I'll give in my notice when we get home (as we'll have chosen a college and will know where best to move to) and hopefully will move October/November time.  It's still a bit up in the air as it does rely on getting the test results back and finding a college.  There are five that I think sound good so hopefully one of them will be right for him.  So hopefully this Christmas will be in our new home, a good couple of hundred miles away from our current awful situation, away from people I don't like and bad memories and with a future ahead that has choices and possibilities.  And hopefully some fun!  I do miss fun.

I bet it's nice to be home, Lighter, are you experiencing jet lag at all? x