Hi everybody,
My web host upgraded the server through which this message board runs, and the message board software version was not compatible with the new server. Hence the outage. While I have gotten things back up and running by painstakingly updating the software, obviously the "fit" between the message board "theme"/design and the new software is not great. I am debating whether to choose a new "theme" that will better match the software--it would create an all new look, and possibly a learning curve for regular users. I also worry that the new theme would somehow change the data base in a way that couldn't be corrected--highly unlikely since the data base is backed up, but still, "one never knows, do one" (Fats Waller!) Anyway, thanks for hanging in there, and if one day the message board looks very different, the reason will be my dissatisfaction with the current "fit."
All thoughts welcome!