Hi Ales,
I'm glad you have found validation for your disappointing, and indeed damaging, experience with that wounded, inadequate therapist. I can imagine the relief.
I was once greatly damaged by a T who had lost perspective, too. He urged me to hurry up and marry my ex, to "get the anxiety behind you" when I had clearly told him that my inner voice was saying--this is too fast, I feel pressured into this marriage, etc. The reality was that he allowed his fundamentalist mindset to overrule my concern over my wellbeing. I think it literally deafened him to me. I was sexually active, and his religious beliefs caused him to close his ears and pressure me to override the authentic inner voice that was trying to warn me I might be doing something toxic if I submitted to my fiance's pressure.
This T was SO uncomfortable with a single female who was sexually active and unashamed about it that he shoved me into making a decision that was unequivocally BAD for me. I didn't then have the strength to defend my own inner wisdom though I'd tried. It was one of the biggest disasters of my life.
He'd had a sister he labeled "promiscuous" and told me AFTER the wedding night verbal abuse and heartbreaking "honeymoon" that I reminded him of her. (He was way off, just unnerved by my frankness). The kicker/exploitative piece, for me, was that after my entire course of life had been run off the rails, he offered a weak and tepid apology and then SENT ME A BILL. I was outraged enough to write to him, as you have done, to tell him in no uncertain terms that he had actively harmed me, and that I owed him not one cent. And that in fact he owed me a lot more and I never wanted to hear from him again. That worked.
In hindsight, after thinking for a long time about his inner confusion, and the reasons why he was that way, I came to feel that it was irrelevant to keep up the blame. I did blame him and do find him responsible. But...I had to let it go. Eventually, I did. If I saw him on the street now I'd respond with kindness. He wasn't a bad person or intentionally exploitative. He was just dealing with the disconnects in his own mind, and they were destructive to me.
I am really glad you've had this closure, Ales.