Author Topic: 10 day EFT Summit Link.... begins today..... FREE!  (Read 1234 times)


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Re: 10 day EFT Summit Link.... begins today..... FREE!
« Reply #1 on: February 28, 2017, 01:10:28 PM »
I tried to listen to the Tapping sessions last night..... I made it halfway through the first video, then passed out.  I'm so sleepy in the evenings. 

I woke up this morning and started where I left off.  I listened to many of the preliminary videos yesterday... they make a lot of sense.  I listen to some twice.  I enjoy hearing different people's input, their interpretations, and ways of accessing the work through their filters. 

I'm tapping, y'all: )

I also read quite a bit of THE ARTIST'S WAY, Hops.  I can understand why you recommended that book when you did, and it's a good companion to the BIT, Tapping and other things I'm researching right now.

Today was a regularly scheduled call with dd16 and her T....... we had an amazing conversation!  DD16 showed up differetly.... could be bc I was showing up differently.... or not.

All I know is that she did, and then I had insights I shared, and the T went farther with them, and today DD will have a meeting with the academics team to withdraw from her Junior year in HS.  Instead she'll keep the classes she enjoys... art I think, and move into an internship they're creating for her.... something they've never done before.  This was the T's idea, as was his opinion DD should be involved in interviewing new candidates for positions opening up in pilot village program.  DD made the decision to hire the new Physical Ed teacher.... she really adored her.  Done.

I feel like this would have been great a month ago, but..... it wasn't possible a month ago.  It had to happen today, bc I didn't have this idea until today while on the phone. 

Creative solutions for problems that don't even exist..... this is huge shift for me, and DD16.  She's been invited to mentor at the village this summer, and at the Wilderness Program. We'll see about getting her involved in Drumming.... what job opportunities are here for that.

My friend laughed and laughed at me today for saying....

"I'm going to tap the heck out of myself."


But seriously...... alchemy, shift, whatever we want to call it...... 

It's a good thing, and it feels like it's a lasting thing, (which is what studies have shown: )




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Re: 10 day EFT Summit Link.... begins today..... FREE!
« Reply #2 on: February 28, 2017, 11:58:33 PM »
Ya know, Lighter, whatever helps one helps one.
I keep forgetting that, always courting my biases.

Glad you reminded me.

So glad too that things are going well with DD16!

"That'll do, pig, that'll do."

sea storm

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Re: 10 day EFT Summit Link.... begins today..... FREE!
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2017, 04:15:17 PM »
I think tapping is really helpful. I used tapping and EMDR with kids who had been severely traumatized and it was amazing. Intrusive thoughts vanished and their self esteem rose dramatically. It was not accepted by the system or parents and there are simpler variations that can really help. It does work and allows the thoughts that cannot and have not been released through normal channels to dissipate. Very simple. What a blessing.

I could not figure out how to watch the series or listen to it but just hearing about it reminds me to JUST DO I.