That is powerful, and beautifully written, Amber. Thanks for sharing this.
I realize I don't fully fit into it, though. Really gave me pause.
Without self-respect, the child's behavior becomes self-defeating. That's for sure, but I was so steeped in my vision of WWJD, that self-abnegation felt right. I would make painful choices that might look like lack of self-respect and probably were, but I was doing them FOR a principle I'd absorbed. Very confusing. If I think of it as assertiveness, yes, it took decades to learn about that.
Without love, they adopt any loyal companion. That was true and still is true for me. I was loved by my father, but he couldn't overcome the toxicity of my mother, brother, and mean-girls culture. But he really did have a radiant heart and gentle nature, and even without overt/psycho-knowledgable support, I always knew he loved me. HE had the loyalest heart I have encountered in my life. So I tend to think most folks who are loyal are truly worth loving back. That gets me into occasional trouble with confusing loyalty with dependency, and there's a balance needed. But on balance, I cop to this one in general.
Without positive values, they adopt materialism, because they see it as the only road to pride. That pride is lonely on a cold night... This one I dodged, for which I am very grateful. I was taught frugality and modesty of lifestyle. (I don't view it as "modesty" but that's I think how my parents felt it.) Materialism has never hooked me even a little bit (though fear of poverty has). I really get creating comfort and beauty in a small space and taking pleasure in simple things. I would truly like the freedom having a bit more $$ would bring (to write, now, rather than still have to work). And it was important to me to get my wee house paid off so I could leave it free and clear for my D. I do love cool cars because my first BF/love lived on a huge estate and taught me to drive on a Jaguar but I drive a 17 y/o CRV that I still think is the most gorgeous car I've ever owned.
Gotta go work. Thanks for this, Amber.