Thank you so much, Hops and Lighter, for your supportive and helpful messages. I am very honoured and thankful to have all of you here and to have this place of safety to write down my thoughts (and to receive all the helpful suggestions - I am doing up a sort of resource book to look into more things as I get the chance to).
Soooo - Day 1 of healing! Some things I have been aware of for a long time and have tried to change before but I've not fallen completely in the new habit. I woke up this morning feeling groggy and lacking in energy and immediately started berating myself - I should be up, do yoga, go for a run, the house should be spotless, I should have all my son's school stuff ready - and so on and so on. So Lesson 1 was to dump the negative self talk, abandon the lists, stop the endless cartwheeling of needing to be super woman to avoid criticism and so on. So I took my time, did my yoga, meditated for a while and then decided what I needed to do most today (from a healing point of view) was to clean and tidy the flat).
I would love to have three oasis of calm - my flat, my garden and our campervan. Three bolt holes to suit any occasion and my feeling today was to make the flat clean and comfortable. I left my son to his own devices (he was delighted) and started cleaning and tidying up (and cooking so that there's plenty of ready made food in the freezer).
I was happy and feeling pleased with my easy going progress when the phone rang, and the lady from the Child Support Agency (who sort out payments my son's father makes; I wrote a little while ago that he's been chatting to my MUM and was trying to contact me).
He has decided to contest paternity and wants my son to take a DNA test. I was absolutely horrified and just disgusted. There's absolutely no way he isn't the father and he knows that as well as I do so quite what he is up to I don't know, but I literally couldn't speak. I started to freak out a little bit and then thought no, this is lesson number 2 - toxic people from the past still trying to cause hurt and upset (and has my mum planted this little seed in his head? Again, all I can think of in relation to her is suspicion and this is not how I want to live my life). So my feeling was to refuse and to cut him out completely and just get rid of that tie. But of course, it isn't only my decision so I had to talk things through with my son and he was adamant that he is not having any kind of testing done and said he didn't want to hear any more about it.
So those were lessons 3 and 4 - my son is old enough to be included in decisions now and I don't have to do it all on my own and, best of all, he does not seem to have the people pleaser tendency that I have always struggled with! He was very calm about the whole thing, voiced his opinon very clearly and then just got on with what he was doing. Go him

I have felt a bit frazzled for the rest of the day and I would be lying if I said it hasn't openend up some old hurts and wounds. But that's good, lets get them out into the open, air them, sort through them and then give them away. I don't need them now.
I do feel tired but that's also okay; my son will go off to bed soon and I can stretch out on the sofa and watch a film or something on TV and hopefully get a good night's sleep.
Will update tomorrow! Thank you
