Author Topic: Standing up to Bullies - by Rick Hanson - thoughts?  (Read 1020 times)


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Standing up to Bullies - by Rick Hanson - thoughts?
« on: February 08, 2017, 12:11:03 PM »

Stand up to Bullies - Just One Thing


Power is a natural feature of most human relationships, especially in groups, and it's often used justly and wisely. For example, some popular kids stuck up for me in high school, and many years later, I went to the California labor commission to get a boss to pay me wages he owed me. 

On the other hand, power is sometimes used unjustly and unwisely - and in plain English, I'm going to call this bullying. As individuals, we are affected by bullying at all scales - from preschool playgrounds to international conflicts - which brings me to this week's practice: stand up to bullies.

For bullies and other challenges, we need psychological resources such as resilience, confidence, and self-worth. I've created a comprehensive program for developing these resources, the online Foundations of Well-Being, and I invite you to check it out. We have CEUs for therapists, a moneyback guarantee, and there's still time to join me for a transformational year of growth in 2017.



Just One Thing
Simple practices for more happiness, love, and wisdom
Is anyone being pushed around?
The Practice:
Stand up to bullies.
Humans are the most social species on the planet. Most of us spend most of our lives working, eating, sleeping, and playing in groups that range in size from two people all the way up to nations and humanity as a whole.

Woven through the tapestry of our relationships are several major threads. One of these is power, which plays out in almost every group of any size. The only question is, do we use it for good or ill?

Like a hammer, power itself is neutral. It can be used justly and wisely for beneficial purposes, such as the necessary authority of a loving parent, a child's popular friend protecting her from mean kids, a physically stronger spouse helping a more vulnerable one, or a government defending a country being invaded. Power can also be used unjustly and unwisely for harmful purposes, such as a parent beating a child, a big kid picking on a little one, domestic violence, or a government jailing its critics.

Depending on the situation, the unjust and unwise use of power can be called a variety of things: intimidation, abuse, fraud, discrimination, and tyranny to name a few. For my purposes here I'll pick a term that's down-to-earth and gets at our deep human nature as social primates: bullying.

Bullying and bullies are widespread. At all scales, from homes and schoolyards to boardrooms and presidential palaces, they create a vast amount of human suffering. What can we do?

In this short space, I'll offer some summary suggestions. You can help them be concrete by applying them to bullies you've experienced or observed.

See It
If it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck, swims like a
duck ... it's probably a duck. Bullies have most if not all of these identifying characteristics:

    Dominating - Have to be the "alpha"; fear of looking "one-down"; thus must find targets who seem seem weaker; no compassion
    Defensive - Never wrong; fault and scorn others; avoid personal responsibility
    Deceptive - Manipulate grievances to gain support; blame scapegoats; cheat; hide truth since power is based on lies

Recognize Enablers
Some people and organizations make use of bullies, sort of like profiting from a crime someone else commits. Or they pretend all is normal, or that a relatively small issue to the side is a more important focus than what the bully is doing. Or they try to justify bullying, such as: "both sides do it," "but she's your mother," "kids are like that," or "they need a tough CEO." From playgrounds to parliaments, people with an authoritarian personality style often have an affinity for bullying leaders, and commonly form the core of their supporters. 

Protect Yourself
Sometimes you are stuck with a bully - perhaps a parent, older sibling, group of kids in school, abusive partner, or terrible boss in a job you can't leave. Be careful. You may need to bide your time, weigh your options, and find an exit strategy as best you can. First of all, do no harm - to yourself. Every suggestion I offer here is in this context.

Have Compassion
The mind of a bully is like a hell realm of fended-off weakness and shame always threatening to invade. Lots of suffering there. Compassion for a bully is not approval. It is calming and strengthening, and establishes an inner freedom: "You may have my family/schoolyard/company/etc., but you will never have my mind."

And of course the targets of bullies deserve our care: much much much suffering there. Even if you can do nothing to change their lot, your compassion is still authentic; it matters to you, and it may matter to others in ways you'll never know.

Name It
Tell the truth to yourself. Tell it to others.

And if appropriate, tell the truth to bullies and their enablers. This might get at some of the essence: "You are a bully. You may have power over me but you couldn't earn it fairly, so you cheated and lied to get it. You might be able to harm me, but I am not afraid of you. I see what you are."

Bullies may acquire institutional authority but never moral legitimacy. They know their power is unjust and fragile. The more uneasy they feel, the more they wrap themselves in the trappings of religious righteousness, flag-waving, wealth, or popularity. Name the lie, name the cheat, name the illegitimacy.

Stand with Others
Bullies target lone individuals or minority groups to prove their dominance and create fear. So gather allies who will stand with you if you're being bullied. For example, a teacher was harassing our daughter (and we found out, girls in general), so we reached out to other parents and enlisted the aid of the principal; things changed.

And together, stand with and for those who are bullied. It may make no material difference. But it always makes a moral and psychological difference to those who stand - and to those they stand for.

Punish Bullying
I mean "punish" in the sense of creating disincentives, not cruelty or vengeance, not bullying bullies. Sure, first try persuasion. But the act of bullying itself is rewarding to a bully, even if there's no concrete benefit. It's like pulling a pleasurable lever on a slot machine that sometimes delivers a jackpot: if you're a bully, why not keep pulling? So there must be a cost. Enablers also need to pay a price; otherwise, why stop?

Since bullying is common, people have developed a variety of ways to punish it. Depending on the situation, you could:

    With moral confidence, name the bullying for what it is
    Dispute false claims of legitimacy
    Laugh at bullies (who are usually thin-skinned)
    Confront lies, including denial of harms they're doing
    Build up sources of power to challenge the bully's
    Confront enablers; they're complicit in bullying
    Go up the ladder of authority (e.g., involve a school principal)
    Engage the legal system
    Remove bullies from positions of power

Bullies do often stop bullying, or do it on a much smaller scale. Sometimes there is a complete and admirable change of heart. When possible and appropriate, we can offer opportunities for a former bully to rejoin the group, and use power justly and wisely.

See the Big Picture
Bullying happens in a larger context of enabling and fueling conditions. The playing field might have become unfairly tilted in the bully's favor; tilt it back. Bullies often draw power from the grievances of others; address the grievances, and reduce their power.

Bullies grab attention much as they compel us in other ways. But there is a larger world beyond their control. It contains so many things that are working, enjoyable, beautiful, and virtuous. Disengage as much as possible from repetitive loops of helpless outrage, fantasies of payback, and fault-finding others "who aren't doing enough." Bad enough that the bully is out there in the world. Try not to let the bully invade your mind and stay there.

JUST ONE THING (JOT) is the free newsletter that suggests a simple practice each week for more joy, more fulfilling relationships, and more peace of mind.
A small thing repeated routinely adds up over time to produce big results.

Just one thing that could change your life.
(© Rick Hanson, 2017)
This comes from Rick Hanson, Ph.D., psychologist, New York Times best-selling author, Senior Fellow of the Greater Good Science Center at UC Berkeley, and invited speaker at Oxford, Stanford, and Harvard universities. See Rick's workshops and lectures.

Taught by Rick Hanson, Ph.D., the Foundations of Well-Being online program uses powerful science-based methods to hardwire lasting happiness into your brain and your life. Turn everyday experiences into a deep sense of contentment, love, and peace, in just an hour a week.



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Re: Standing up to Bullies - by Rick Hanson - thoughts?
« Reply #1 on: March 15, 2017, 03:21:59 PM »
Good advice from Hanson.  This is my list for dealing with difficult people. I hope this doesn't trigger anyone here. I know we are all recovering from very toxic people and this is not meant to invalidate those experiences or the damage these people do, but take a more high-road, professional approach from 3 different perspectives.

1.   I’m OK, You’re Ok. -I accept myself and others without complaint and judgement.
2.   Be aware negative, toxic, mean people do exist. Many of them trigger our own shadow in some way. Be aware if your response comes from emotions or intelligence.

Practical -Do Something, Sy Something, react positively
3.   Be selective about what you respond to, pick your battles carefully.
4.   Be no-nonsense, assertive, but cooperative and kind. Don’t get angry with anyone, its just not worth it.
5.   Take the high road and rise above petty complaining and gossip. Try to be positive, even in negative situations.
6.   Be assertive, don’t allow people to push you around.
7.   Clear your own conscience, by identifying your own weaknesses and bad habits (passive aggressive, shy, withdrawn, quiet, apathetic or cynical) and striving to eliminate them whenever possible
8.   Don’t play office games or politics. i.e befriending someone to get favoritism or making an ally to harm an enemy, etc.
9.   Needing “drastic measures” is a sign its time to move on and find another job/friend/spouse.
10.   I know not everyone will like me and I can be OK with that as long as I am responsible and maintain my own integrity.
11.   I know I can handle jerks, toxic people, bullies and mean people and come out ahead without playing dirty.
12.   I know I will prevail over any negativity if I do my work, remain calm, and be a team player.
13.   When I am in difficult position and I have made a mistake, I own up to the mistake, explain it once, apologize, rectify the problem, suggest or demonstrate a solution, a “Next time I will spell check before sending it out” etc..  And then BE DONE WITH IT. I will claim responsibility for my mistakes, but I will not be bullied or scapegoated.
14.   In the worst case scenario and you are dealing with a co-workers, lies, false accusations, rumors, gossip or slander, DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF. Remain calm and ask “Is that the truth”? Remain silent and encourage them to tell you more – i.e  keep lying, complaining and accusing. At some point, you will have said nothing and they will look foolish. You can also ask for their complaints in writing/an email, so you can respond. AGAIN—DO NOT DEFEND YOURSELF against lies, they are trying to make you angry. A boss who can’t figure out the truth, will remember YOU if you get ANGRY or react badly. Don’t take the bait. Let them wear themselves out with their non-sense. If it doesn’t bother you, they CANNOT WIN.
15.    Don’t complain to HR or others, present a solution or ask for help with a difficult person or problem.
16.   Be thoughtful and diplomatic in all interactions. Avoid being reactive.

17.   Let God be your Vindicator.  (Don’t think about/plan revenge or have these thoughts about anyone)
18.   Imagine White Light surrounding you and your actions, when you are anxious and stressed.
19.   KNOW that cheaters (fill in the blank- bullies, trolls, haters, etc) never prosper.
20.   KNOW I am a gracious overcomer. I’m determined and I never give up.
21.   I follow the golden rule, I’m a good person, I deserve respect and I treat others the same way.
22.   Just smile and overcome evil with good.


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Re: Standing up to Bullies - by Rick Hanson - thoughts?
« Reply #2 on: March 20, 2017, 10:55:19 AM »

Your list is full of positive, empowering ideas for rising above, taking the high road, and sustaining an outlook on life that refuses to be sullied by lowest common denominators, IMO.

It's not always easy to do, but it's the way to build a good life, IME.
