Hi Bettyanne,
My NM died in 2013, on my birthday. I received an obligatory email the next day from my younger sister, who was very much NM's puppet. It was completely devoid of emotion, and said, believe it or not, "I wanted to wish you a Happy belated Birthday, and also tell you that Mum died last night." At first I thought it was a joke, that my NM was very much alive and trying to get a reaction out of me (I had been NC for many years). For nearly five years prior, NM had been claiming to be suffering terminal cancer with only weeks to live. I had finally concluded that she was faking it for attention, so was surprised to confirm that she had really passed.
So she is dead.....and I am glad she has passed but their is a feeling of never having had the normal love that a normal family gives their family.
Yes! Like you, I'm glad that she's gone. I'll admit to being delighted to get the news. My first reaction was, "My mother finally got me a decent birthday gift," though also, like you, I'm furious that she got away with so much, and that she never showed an ounce of remorse. She stole more than just my childhood. She stole a huge portion of my emotional well being, my confidence, my sense of self-worth. She even managed to steal my health (I've long suffered from an often disabling anxiety disorder).
And just when I think I'll never be whole, there are these amazing words from Hops:
Your 60s is not too late to heal in amazing ways
I turned 58 a few weeks ago. Birthdays are a bit weird now because they will forever be the anniversary of her death, but I try to look at it as the anniversary of my liberation. I still don't feel completely free, as my co-father has continued to harass me, but that has started to quiet down and I'm learning to heal. I've started writing like crazy, two books, a novel and a memoir. Right now the memoir is just an exercise for myself, to fill in all the pieces of my life with her. It's brought a lot of buried memories to the surface, but I think it's important that I'm now remembering all those things. It's helping me to really see what a complete monster she was, and that nothing that happened to me was my fault. I'm digging up old photos and letters from her that are validating all the things she did to me. The bulk of her abuse was gaslighting and sabotage. I still come upon therapists who doubt me, so that validation is everything.
I could ramble on and on, but just know that everything you wrote resonated with me. I'm glad that you're here on this board. My NM was very much alive when I joined this group, and the people here helped through my journey, from her torment, to her possibly-fake cancer, to her eventual death. It's been so comforting to have a safe place where I can feel free to openly say, "I'm glad she's dead." It's okay to be happy that she's gone. It really is. Let the healing begin ....