I do find people's reluctance to talk openly about abuse is a big problem. My entire family have a big Christmas get together every year - aunts, uncles, cousins across three or four generations. My sister attends (as does my step father) and apparently I am just not mentioned. They've just sort of wiped me out and carried on as before. But ...................... the more people that do speak out, report, take legal action, set up groups, memorials and so on the more it will become acceptable to speak of, I think, and I believe this will reduce the number of times it happens and the length of time people have to carry what occurred with them. There's a survivors group in the UK at the moment who were all abused in Children's Homes by, it is alleged, high profile men - MPs, barristers, judges and so on. They became so frustrated by the government's inaction over what had happened that they started their own campaign and investigation. There's still a huge amount of covering up going on, I feel, and it makes me wonder how many people just stay quiet, or even end their own lives without telling anybody what happened. I hope your son is doing okay, BettyAnne, and you, too xx