I never had a mom I could talk to or share my problems and fears. Yet my mom was and is still here. A mom, but not a mom. What I had was a marginal parent-----who fulfilled her responsibilities to feed, clothe and educate her children...but really nothing else.
Yeah pretty much that is how it is. It's turned into a feeling of stale and faint bitterness for me at this point. I don't feel particularly in pain it's more of a feeling that something is wrong with ME, as all my relatives give me the odd person out treatment for distancing myself from them, oh they loved me so so Ferking much didn't they. Anyhow. I do keep up a fake relationship with my mother. I am ashamed to admit that even a fake deal gives me some kind of false comfort of not being totally alone. And I feel weak for maintaining a fake relationship? Because hasn't she won in the end. She is the winner. I am the loser. Also weak for not being able to replace it with something real.
Maybe fake is real. Shrug I almost don't know and don't care. I am over my self help phase since years ago.
There is no talking to her. I haven't tried to tell her personal stuff for many years. I had learned at some point that me telling her personal stuff and trying to relate to her sets her off, pissed her off resulted in a crappy convo every time.
Her personality is a maze of unpredictable crazy thinking. What are we going to do send them sarcastic cards that say exactly that.
"Happy Mother's Day for being the most wonderfully demented person in my life"
We are always barred from saying our true feelings if we want to keep the peace.
These days I don't hope for much from her. If things go sideways all my brain does is start listing exit strategies like a computer data output list.
I went through IT, this mental stuff with Father's Day. Feeling guilty. Seeing our father's day sale signs at work for a week.
It would be such a burden to strike up a conversation with my father. I'm afraid of being pulled into his world. At one point in my 20's I decided I needed to escape it and put space and distance between us. He hasn't changed at all. If he hasn't changed doesn't it mean he doesn't care enough to think about it.
Sometimes I wonder if I am the crazy one because HOW could both of my parents BE THAT BAD. And what if my father wasn't THAT BAD, what if he simply was incompetent as a parent and I needed to get on with my life. He was controlling that is a really big reason I decided to stop communicating with him. Also he pretty much did abandon me. I mean I don't think about those things much, I almost forgot why I quit talking to him.
I can never answer the question with confidence... "How are my relationships with my relatives supposed to be (and at my age)".... "How am I supposed to be doing in life".
At the moment I kind of accept it all and even in accepting life as it is, it totally scares the ice cream out of me. Life scares the ice cream out of me. It's like fighting dragons.
Just shaking my head. I can only speak for myself.
The biggest pain I have is the guilt that my father has health issues that he needs help with but of course he refuses to take care of himself. Literally I have the thought, "What if he is sick or laying dead in his apartment".
Oddly enough I remember a weird dream about my father that I had during my childhood. My father was being eaten by crabs and I felt some terrible guilt over it. Same feeling now to this day. Whatever. Who knows if I'm wrong and terrible. If he is wrong and terrible. Two wrongs sure as heck don't make a right.
It's all I can do to take care of myself though. Remembering years back YEARS back when I was deep in the mire and went to a group therapy session regarding co dependence. I feel that nothing good would come out of me striking up a convo with my father NOW that it would just encourage codependency weirdness that he has which creeps me out.
I think I wrote it on here before. He literally lives in some sort of low income housing. He was so harsh on me at one point I was like 19 or 20. He was telling me how I was flailing and how I should and needed to become a computer programmer and that was the ONLY path in life bleh bleh blehhhhhhh.
Computer programming was never for me. He tried it, actually did it and he still ended up living in low rent area in one of the crappier neighborhoods where people are likely to get mugged in. Should I feel bad for him.
I don't know how I should feel. I simply believe my survival requires me to not be in a codependent relationship with him.