From what I'm learning, Narcissists are so SELF-ABSORBED that they don't "hear" anyone else, especially if the other person is not worshipping them, (feeding narcisstic with supply). And God forbid if you DISAGREE with them! Hell hath no fury like a narcissist scorned!
In my Nmom's, and 2 Nsister's eyes, I have NO VOICE. They don't care what I think, or do. I am not only VOICELESS around them, I'm "invisible". I realize now after 52 years of their abuse, that they never really loved me, they have only tolerated me. They enjoyed me around so they could "gang up and pick on me". THen after they would verbally or emotionally abuse me, and I reacted, they would all look at each other and say "what is HER problem?" She's so SENSITVE. GRRRR, now I see they wouldn't even allow me to get ANGRY at their abuse!
My parents have been divorced since I was 9 and none of us siblings ever bonded. The only reason I endured holiday visits was to see my dad, whom I loved dearly. Since he passed away this May, I have NO REASON to be in their presence and subject myself to their abuse. So at this point in time, I am not planning on seeing any of them.