I realized today, not for the first time, that being happy right where my feet are is the primary factor involved in my serenity.
If I have anything else cross my mind, and grab hold of it, then I'm off track. Again.
Just doing doing doing in the zone isn't a switch being flipped....
it's me getting out of my own way, and NOT being sidetracked.
REFUSING to be sidetracked is it's own thing, IME. It takes energy to refuse.
THE BEING IN THE ZONE is just being without anything else going on, IME.
I have an aversion to the word meditation. It bothers me... disturbs me... not sure why. BC it FEEEEEELS like someone somewhere used that word to mystify and confuse other people? That's how it feels to me, and I deeply resent that we aren't taught how to do that from a very young age. I'm deeply upset my children don't do it, though they were lucky to be exposed at a very young age. This isn't a rational whole body resentment... it's my inner child stomping her foot.
My sister left today with my oldest DD16 with her. They'll stop to see cousins midway, then move on to Toronto for a week. I feel relieved that DD will have herself to depend on, bc I have a hard time just letting her care for herself. It's a process for me to STOP doing for her, reminding her about supplements, bedtime, time on electronics, etc. I realize it's exhausting to do, and also exhausting to NOT do it. s
We've been working on splitting up chores. Travel hasn't made it easier. I NEEEED everyone to be in the groove before school starts, and I neeeed to not lose my cool while we work on it, and neeeed neeed need.
The word NEED is a red flag, that's what it is.
I know this.... I have to spend some time figuring out what I want, what brings joy, and gently release other people's expectations without reacting to them in any way....
::knocking wood::
Over the last month I've not had any very low spots, thank goodness, bc I do remember to pay attention to whatever is bugging me, and it very quickly gets better. That's one thing I've held on to, and want to explore, expand, etc.
It's difficult for me to stop doing for others. I can very easily push myself to the bottom of my list. That's my fault, not anyone elses, though I do get frustrated with others I notice.
The thing is..... having many people around is a huge distraction, esp when you add the SHOULDS/HAVE TOs of being a mother, sister, daughter, friend.... being tugged in so many directions, and I feel I'm getting better at this, by increments, just a slow learner.
I can say NO, and should say NO. Saying YES feels better. off the top of my head.. we all do what feels good, I suppose. I have to just suck it up, and say NO more often. I have to say it before I'm frustrated. I think I'm entitled to say it, but I take too much on, and I'm always last on the list it seems.
Actually, I've been saying NO, and choosing things that bring me joy over the last week pretty steadily. There are just bobbles where I have to say NO, and worse, say NO to many people at once that upset me very much... that's when I remember to pay attention to the anxiety, and relieve the pressure.
I'd like to be able to skip the anxiety when I say NO, and just feel OK about it. That's the mission as of today.
To say NO without angst, and to make sure my operating systems are my own, and not other people's expectations, etc.
Making peace with big change is another thing, of course. That has to happen too, IME.
The journey continues.